Loved them all

Mameiha December 27, 2017 4:03 am

But I felt the high school couple was the most refreshing. They were open and honest with each other, no lies and no hiding feelings out of fear or male pride. I loved them the most. Granted, a story like that really only makes a good one shot because without conflict, there isn't much of a story. Still, that couple warmed my heart. I also liked the clothing designer and pattern maker couple, as well as the boss and subordinate. The first couple is pretty standard in yaoi. One is sure of their sexuality and feelings, the other "turned" gay. Ugh! Such horseshit! You don't TURN gay or lesbian. You can either be turned on by the same sex or you can't. Whether you're aware of it or not, THAT is the question. If you are a bonafide hetero, all the love in the world is not going to get you hard or wet for the same sex. A leopard can't change his spots and a hetero can't "turn" gay. If a leopard has stripes, he's a tiger and if a hetero gets hard/wet for the same sex, he's gay/lesbian - or bi. So, although "turning gay" is a common trope in yaoi, and I adore yaoi, it's one that I find ludicrous. Just not ludicrous enough to stop reading. LOL
