Yukio99 December 25, 2017 10:29 am

Summary for chapter 17: Spoiler Alert

At the hospital (continuing off from end of chapter 16), Haruki seemed to be about to confess to senpai but senpai cut him off saying its not like this; he wants to stay at Haruki's side but not in a romantic way. And he promised that this time he wouldn't give up on or doubt Haruki. Some time later, Haruki is now seeing a psychiatrist and he has gone back to work in his original company. Haruki is now living with his father and Senpai is also a good friend of the family (Haruki and his father), often visitng them. After a visit to their house for dinner, Senpai confesses that he still has feelings for Haruki and the reason he did not say so initially at the hospital was because he did not want Haruki to accept him when he was in such a fragile state of mind. He wanted to properly confess to Haruki after Haruki has recovered from the incident and his mind was in a stable state. (reason why I love senpai he is so sweet). Haruki replied that someone like him doesn't deserve Senpai. And Senpai said its okay, he will wait for him. In the taxi, senpai feels sad and regrets not confessing earlier.
The next day was the mom's third year death anniversary. Haruki suggested to his dad to tell hikaru to come this time. At the funeral, it seemed like Hikaru would not come, but as the cermony was ending Hikaru entered. After the ceremony, Hikaru was going to leave but Haruki pulled his hand telling him he have something he wants to tell him. Haruki then confesses that it was actually his fault that the mom died because after feeding Hikaru the sleeping pill, he remembered what the mom say about truly wanting to help him so he called the mom and confessed everything about their relationship and the mum told them to stay there and she will come and save them. (so the mum is actually a nice person). This explains why the mum was out in the snow she was actually going to their place. Haruki then says after that he kind of regret calling her and felt that if he disappears everything will be solved and thats why he overdosed on the sleeping pills. And so after he woke up, he realised what happened and so he pushed the blame of the mom death to Hikaru, even though it was supposed to be borne by him. Hikaru cries and Haruki reaches out to wipe Hikaru tears. Then it is all flashback - Hikaru recalls for the past three years how he have been walking through the forest towards the light (hikari). And then flashback to the wedding between the mom and dad - how Hikaru felt lonely that his mum was getting married and how Haruki reached out to him at that time and how they met at the wedding. So it just ended like that - the last page with Hikaru and Haruki shaking hand at their first meeting with the corny caption - Surely, you are the one that will show me the light (hikaru) - sorry my translation of this line sucks, but its something with a pun using his name lol

Honestly, I think the last chapter was the mangaka attempt to redeem Hikaru's character and yes it did work. Seeing the flashback and Hikaru's sorry state - how he lost both his mother and Haruki (probably the only 2 ppl he ever loved), I did feel pity for Hikaru. BUT hey remember all the shit thing that Hikaru did and it is pretty ironic that Hikaru is in such a sorry state after losing his mother when he was the one that threaten Haruki with exposing their relationship to their parents and breaking up the family. Anyway this ending is pretty open I guess, you could say Haruki just feels a brotherly concern for Hikaru and it is up to the reader to interpret who he ends up with or mayb he ends up with no one lol. Though, from my interpretation of the chapter, I feel that Haruki still has lingering feelings for Hikaru - he probably developed some sort of love to Hikaru when they were in that warped up relationship together.

    Miindo December 25, 2017 10:09 pm

    Many thanks for the detailed summary!!!
    Could you please make a summary of the extra chapter's spoilers as well? >>

    It seems the extra chapter was launched some time ago (like 2-3 months ago), but the only place I was able to find it is weibo. And the full raw got lost somehow, it doesn't show up in my search results anymore :(

    Yukio99 December 26, 2017 5:44 am
    Many thanks for the detailed summary!!! Could you please make a summary of the extra chapter's spoilers as well? >> Miindo

    Prior to the incident at the family villa, hanabusa and hikaru actually met at a cafe before. Hikaru asks Hanabusa if he is Hanabusa and asks if he heard their conversation that night at Christmas . He asks hanabusa how much did he blamed Haruki such that Haruki is now in such a broken state. That was probably when hanabusa realised that it was Hikaru who had been coercing Haruki. Anyway this was Hamabusa flashback and now to the present. Hanabusa sees Hikaru and Haruki at a cafe. He is shocked and goes in and asks if his Father knows that he is still keeping in contact with Hikaru. Haruki replies that he meets up with Hikaru sometimes to discuss about his future and guide him and this does not concern his father. The last sentence from Hanabusa I am quite confused. Hanabusa asks Hikaru what's his name now. Haruki replies his name now is only Hikaru and thats as much as he can do to forgive him. The person that writes the post says there will still be some extras so maybe this will clarify some stuff.

    Anyway most of the comments in the posts seems to be agreeing that Sendai has no hope anymore TT and Haruki probably still have some feelings for Hikaru but is unable to admit them because of what Hikaru did. I don't know what to think anymore lol

    Miindo December 26, 2017 5:10 pm
    Prior to the incident at the family villa, hanabusa and hikaru actually met at a cafe before. Hikaru asks Hanabusa if he is Hanabusa and asks if he heard their conversation that night at Christmas . He asks han... Yukio99

    Wow, thank you so much for your super quick reply, you're a sweetheart!
    Yeah, the question about the name is weird. Maybe Hanabusa wanted to know if Hikaru still uses the surname of Haruki's father?!? That's the only logical reason I can think of for that question. Haruki's answer is the one that confuses me the most, I don't understand what he means with "...that's as much as he can do to forgive him".
    I also hope the new extra will be more clarifying... probably in the direction pointed out by you - Haruki ending up with Hikaru. If you look at Kashio's Twitter page, it's pretty obvious she made up her mind long time ago, her tweets are full of sketches of Haruki & Hikaru!

    Anonymous January 5, 2018 11:38 am
    Wow, thank you so much for your super quick reply, you're a sweetheart! Yeah, the question about the name is weird. Maybe Hanabusa wanted to know if Hikaru still uses the surname of Haruki's father?!? That's th... Miindo extra 4

    Anonymous January 5, 2018 11:43 am
    Many thanks for the detailed summary!!! Could you please make a summary of the extra chapter's spoilers as well? >> Miindo

    extra 4

    Miindo January 7, 2018 11:12 pm extra 4 @Anonymous

    Finally!! Many thanks for the link!!

    pepperspray January 15, 2018 8:41 pm


    sara-chan January 16, 2018 6:59 am

    Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Miindo January 27, 2018 9:26 pm

    Guys, I think Kashio released a new extra chapter last month >>

    Can anybody please tell what it's about?

    Yukio99 January 31, 2018 9:12 am
    extra 4 @Anonymous

    oooh thanks for the link. This is the full version of the japanese one that was posted online that I kind of summarised above. This makes things much clearer. (also because my chinese is much better than my japanese) I will just post my previous summary with some edits: (most of the changes are in the last few lines)

    Prior to the incident at the family villa, hanabusa and hikaru actually met at a cafe before. Hanabusa asks Hikaru where Haruki was and Hikaru replies that he does not know. It then occurred to Hanabusa that since Hikaru does not know, the person that Haruki was running away from might have been Hikaru. Hanabusa gives Hikaru his namecard and tells him to contact him if he know about Haruki's whereabouts. Hikaru looks at the namecard and asks how Hanabusa name is pronounced. After hearing Hanabusa name, Hikaru realises that Haruki's ex-lover was actually Hanabusa. Hikaru then asks Hanabusa if he heard their conversation that night at Christmas . He asks hanabusa how much did he blamed Haruki such that Haruki is now in such a broken state. That was probably when hanabusa realised that it was Hikaru who had been coercing Haruki. Anyway this was Hamabusa flashback and now to the present. Hanabusa sees Hikaru and Haruki at a cafe. He is shocked and goes in and asks if his Father knows that he is still keeping in contact with Hikaru. Haruki replies that he meets up with Hikaru sometimes to discuss about his future and guide him and this does not concern his father. Hanabusa asks what Hikaru current name is and Hikaru says he is now using his mother's surname. Hanabusa then says that now Hikaru has no relations whatsoever to Haruki (since his surname has also changed) and hence ask him to stop meddling with Haruki's affairs. Hikaru says (to Haruki) he is right and leaves. (he looks kind of lifeless). After Hikaru leaves, Haruki tells Hanabusa that he is the one who first contacted Hikaru because Hikaru has not changed (not sure what he means) and only Hikaru can forgive him. Hanabusa then thinks to himself: both Hikaru and Haruki are both somewhat like accomplices and there is something that unites them that is beyond a normal person's comprehension.

    rip Hanabusa x Haruki ship

    Yukio99 January 31, 2018 9:15 am
    Guys, I think Kashio released a new extra chapter last month >> anybody please tell what it's about? Miindo

    Its just a sample page/preview of the special. I can't really make out whats going on with the story from the few panels. (most of the dialogues are just some sex talk, etc) Probably need to wait until a full version is posted.