Seventh Heaven December 24, 2017 4:26 pm

WOW WTF damn I used to be like, poor his mom she has tried her best to take care of him even when he's really hard to deal with... he shoud love his mom more etc...
and now, i dont know anymore, i finally understand why it becomes such a heavy blow to him, when his mom (...) his girlfriend
but how could she get away with it anyway???

    Anonymous December 24, 2017 9:43 pm

    it was an accident, the girl walked into the street when she wasn't supposed to. you can't punish a driver for that, it's not her fault

    Phoenixtan December 25, 2017 1:05 am
    it was an accident, the girl walked into the street when she wasn't supposed to. you can't punish a driver for that, it's not her fault @Anonymous

    Huh? Did u pay attention to the light? It was a green man, shown in the first chap

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! December 25, 2017 7:34 am

    Are we sure the mum was the driver? His state of mind is so messed up that I can't trust what he says. Maybe he blames his mum because he was afraid of sex. So his girlfriend got mad and she was hit by a car. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Seventh Heaven December 25, 2017 11:07 am

    @Anonymous it was his mom's fault, the light was green for pedestrians:
    @Ι_read_everything!damn-it! that is also plausible, but maybe he knows it was his mom, and he tried to cover up for her crime or something, leading him to feel too guilty because he is now an accomplice...?

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! December 25, 2017 3:52 pm
    @Anonymous it was his mom's fault, the light was green for pedestrians:Ι_read_everything!damn-it! ... Seventh Heaven

    (⊙…⊙ ) damn. That is possible too...