I agree ith you. That's what I like about this mangaka.Hes way of writing the feelings of his characters with their complexity, their doubt, their fear . Some people need time to accept themselves, they fear people's judgement of their sexual orientation, but also to find the courage to reveal this to their loved ones. Life may be a fairy tale for some but for others, it is composed of hardships, mistakes that must be learned lessons from. Taichi is not perfect, he is human. And what matters is that Nao accepts him with his flaws and doubts.

I agree with you both. :) This is very realistic.It's actually my most fave from Ogeretsu-sensei's works. :)
And oh, at least Taichi really matured compared to their high school days, because now... even after all those dramas and hurtful ways, he still talked to Nao in the end and they were able to patched things up. If this is high school Taichi and Nao then maybe they broke up again but no. Nao insist on talking with him even if Taichi refuses.
I love my baby Nao. huhu. He's the one who never gives up until Taichi realized everything.

I never thought Taichi is a bad character.. He just got weak mental state from so many problems. I'm on both Taichi and Naoto sides.. Whoever talk rubbish about one of them, go die. Haha.
For Nishii too, he's a great guy for me.. Yes he maybe starting to deeply fall ij love with Nao. But. Ue decide not to rush or force NaoTai to break up. He just wish they wouod break up,but he did nothing to make them break up. He want they break on their own.. He's not even using dirty trick. That photo is truly he used to sketch Nao. He's not using it for blackmailing NaoTai.. He told Taichi the truth about the photo and he even delete the photo after he confess to Nao.. He's a great guy.. His ex is fucking bitch! Go die! I wish Nishi found his true love some day..

It's ok to be unstable, worried and fight with your issues. It's not ok to beat and rape your partner. End of the story. For me the manga died that moment.

...but that's the reality of it. Being mentally unstable leads you to do things you never thought you would do. Nobody is saying it's ok. Look at how many people get hooked on drugs just because they want to escape the demons inside their head. They never intended on becoming a junkie and hurt people they love the most, but it happens. Again, nobody is saying it's ok for him to do that, but this manga really touches on the characters internal struggles of acceptance and love...It's not always sunshine and rainbows

Do you really don't see the difference between being nervous about your relationship and hurting your partner, who told you to stop several times? If yes, I don't see the point in further discussion. Many mangas includes worries about being in homosexual relationship, but SOMEHOW characters manage to deal with it without raping and beating their partners. I wonder why

That's another reality...they are different characters just like we as humans are different. Nobody takes pain and hardship the same. Just as i used drug addiction before,i will again. A junkie and a sober person experience the same hardship or "demon" and yet the sober person never turned to drugs and got proper counseling. Why? Maybe because they were raised differently or maybe because they have a stronger sense of self than the junkie, who knows...there are countless possibilities. The point is, the struggle might be the same, but we all deal with it differently. I think you are only looking at the outside and not internalizing it. To you, it may just look like nervousness...but it's much more than that. The human mind is still a mystery and even experts don't fully understand it...maybe never will.
Okay guys, don't you think some of you are judging Taichi a little too harshly? just because he is not like every other cliche yaoi character (which, don't get me wrong, I still love them) that has a perfect mental state at all times and it's always going smoothly, doesn't mean Taichi is a bad character. This story focuses more on the realistic side, the fighting, the fear of not being accepted, the desperation. Therefore, I think Taichi is actually one of the most perfect characters for a manga like this, he's realistic and it's not like he keeps dwelling on the exact same problem either. And he's overcoming all of them one by one. He definitely deserves to be with Nao because even though they had their problems, they were caused because he cared too much for him, and yes this actually does happen in the real world, and it shows that not everything is perfect.