I dont hate Yongjae that much tbh. He can be annoying and overly persistent, but in a very...

Lucyy December 24, 2017 7:30 am

I dont hate Yongjae that much tbh. He can be annoying and overly persistent, but in a very sophisticated and sexy way.
People can bash him all they want but I bet they will totally fall for him when they see him in real life

    Kurarisa December 24, 2017 9:05 am

    My thoughts exactly. Couldnt just hate him at all. And god! He is damn fine!!!

    Anonymous December 24, 2017 2:47 pm

    ummm...you do realize what he just did was about to be a crime if it wasn't already, right? Holding someone against their will. And when Minsuk tried to leave he was about to rape him. So no, not a fan. Don't care how good he looks. It's how good he treats you that matters

    Inlove December 24, 2017 2:48 pm

    But you do know this is what is called toxic relationships the one people eventually get out out of when they are all drained emotionally ...it's glamorous only at the beginning

    Farrah December 24, 2017 3:14 pm

    Yeah, sure. Majority of us find him attractive and he is...Pretty sure the author did this on purpose. Minsuk and Yongjae relationship is toxic, it may not be physical abuse but it is emotional abuse. Abusers can be attractive. I'm sorry, if I'm trying to leave my apartment and my boyfriend or ex blocks my car and takes my cell and pretty much holds me hostage, that would be a huge turn off. Also, he tried to have sex with Minsuk to make him stay. Looks aren't everything.

    Anonymous December 24, 2017 4:18 pm
    Yeah, sure. Majority of us find him attractive and he is...Pretty sure the author did this on purpose. Minsuk and Yongjae relationship is toxic, it may not be physical abuse but it is emotional abuse. Abusers c... @Farrah

    minsuk is no better. he refuse to just explain to yongjae, instead he just try to go away and not resolving anything. they have one night, i bet minsuk could explain to yongjae for less than 2 hours with more agreement that they will talk more about it later when minsuk already found his dog. he is still very bad at communicating himself to other perzon, especially someone who intimidate him like yongjae

    their relationship is disfunctional. but I dont believe it's only yongjae's fault. minsuk alsohave huge part of it

    Lucyy December 24, 2017 4:51 pm
    ummm...you do realize what he just did was about to be a crime if it wasn't already, right? Holding someone against their will. And when Minsuk tried to leave he was about to rape him. So no, not a fan. Don... @Anonymous

    Yongjae is selfish, does not care about other's feelings and only thinks about himself. That's why Minsuk is over him. That's why he is tired and is done with their relationship.
    But Minsuk does not hate him, does not hold a grudge against him nor feels disgusted when being with him. He is just done with their relationship, while thinking that Yongjae is actually a pretty good man without his selfishness.
    I am 100% no filter and am not glorifying anything. But you are taking your hatred towards Yongjae to an extremely absurd level- using words like abuser, toxic, crime n rape... just like tv shows, over-exaggerate what is really happening.
    Yongjae is a man with flaws, but tbh he does not deserve all that extreme and over-the-line hatred.

    maychan December 24, 2017 7:16 pm

    so you say it alright to hold someone aganist their will inside a room if you want something from them? sorry I am not agree at all. and Minsuk was clear he didn't want him anymore! that he have someone else, what is true in a way.
    he don't have to explain shit to him if he don't want too! Yongjae act is in a way the same has kidnapping while knowing fully the Minsuk don't want to stay with him. so yeas, I will hate Yongjae for forcing himself aganist someone that clearly didn't want to stay with him. no matter what his reason was! it just not right to force youself on someone.

    Anonymous December 24, 2017 9:56 pm
    Yongjae is selfish, does not care about other's feelings and only thinks about himself. That's why Minsuk is over him. That's why he is tired and is done with their relationship.But Minsuk does not hate him, do... Lucyy

    Yongjae himself may not be a bad person. But Yongjae with Minsuk is a bad person. That is why it is called a toxic relationship. And it does take two to be in a toxic relationship. Sure, Minsuk should have spoken up years before and tried to get Yongjae to actually listen to him and take his opinions into consideration. Who knows if it would have worked. What we do know is what we have seen here. Yongjae not listening to anything Minsuk has to say unless it coincides with what Yongjae wants. Yongjae not taking no for an answer. HE broke things off with Minsuk, then just expected him to be free when he came back around with his proposal. When Minsuk finally had enough and told him off (and I think he was very clear there), he blocked him in so he couldn't leave. Minsuk told him repeatedly that he needed to go find his dog. By preventing him from doing so, for all he knew he could be putting that dog in jeopardy. When Minsuk went to check his phone and admitted he was seeing someone else, he took his phone away, turned it off and threw it away from Minsuk. Minsuk thought several times that he had lost it, and was trying to handle it in such a way that he did not put him over the edge. When he thought he could convince him to leave...Yongjae stopped him and then tried to have sex with him. When it was clearly obvious that Minsuk did not want to.
    To be clear, I do not hate Yongjae. I said I am not a fan because of the way he treats Minsuk. He may treat his next partner better. But the way he treats Minsuk, especially this last part...this is, by every definition I know, a toxic relationship. And if Minsuk had stayed with him after this last bit it would have probably have gotten worse. Yongjae would have become even more controlling and oppressive. But yes, this was very nearly a crime. Felonious restraint aka false imprisonment is the act of knowingly restraining someone (not allowing them to leave: check) without their consent (Minsuk repeatedly stated he wanted to leave: check). So yeah...crime. Having sex without said person's consent is also a crime. It doesn't matter if said person doesn't hold a grudge or feels disgusted with the other party. No means no. And a person who is trying to leave, is obviously NOT consenting.
    If you are just basing your opinion on Yongjae based off of his looks...please understand that just because someone looks nice doesn't mean they are. Ted Bundy was considered good looking in his day. And charming. He was a serial killer. So judge a person (or character) based off of their actions please, not their looks

    Lucyy December 25, 2017 2:42 am
    Yongjae himself may not be a bad person. But Yongjae with Minsuk is a bad person. That is why it is called a toxic relationship. And it does take two to be in a toxic relationship. Sure, Minsuk should have ... @Anonymous

    Kudos for that really, really long response :D sorry this response is not as long as yours since there isn't much left to say. Why you may ask? Because I think we are having some misunderstandings here. I really feel like my original idea is being edited and directed to a different direction.
    My point of view is that Yongjae- an obvious terrible man, does not deserve that much absurd hatred. I remember reading twitter comments of which people telling him to die or kill himself (on Pan some even wanted to cut his neck and there were 37 likes for that comment?). So if you do not hate Yongjae to an extreme level like you have said and is just not a fan, then my comment/idea does not target you.
    Your point of view is that the way Yongjae treats Minsuk is horrible and we should not glorify or agree with it because of his good look. I believe I have made it so god damn clear in my comments that I also am strongly opposed to his actions and never once said we should judge people by their looks. You and I both disagree with Yongjae, you and I both do not hate him to an extreme point where we want to cut his neck.
    So if your idea is just that, then it does not and should not target me because there are not much of a reasonable connection.