oh my god

Allllix December 24, 2017 4:12 am

i've never been so frustrated in my life.. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love this series but goddammit its so cliche sometimes. like kotaro for instance.. why is he being so damn stupid and why can't he just tell ayumi he's taking care of (stupid) kyujo for a week or two? like shit, you guys arent messing around so whats the problem? im pretty sure akari was ayumi's one night stand which is why he recognized him so fast (lolol what a whore) and honestly im so over this drama and tension ;_; i just want ayumi and (stupid) kotaro to be frickin happy without these bozos ruining eVERYTHING ALL THE TIME (AKARI DUMB CUNT) thats it i hope they dont break up or i'll flippin cry man ╥﹏╥

    kaneki December 24, 2017 4:45 am


    Swan-MF. December 24, 2017 8:18 pm