Don't you hate it when you have to re-read the entire Manga everytime it's updated because...

Nickname December 20, 2017 5:07 pm

Don't you hate it when you have to re-read the entire Manga everytime it's updated because your old ass forget the plot of the Manga caused by the long wait??

Yeah, this Manga and Ten Count matches the description so well. It's hard to appreciate such an amazing Manga (it's really really really amazing; The plot, the art) if you have to re-read it over again. And when it's update you get this 20+ pages (sometimes Ten Count update less than 5 pages i kid you not)

But after all, this manga is really good. For once i prefer plot over ship in a Yaoi/Bl Manga. But Masatsugu/that one eyed dude (Rei) FTW!!!

    -_- December 21, 2017 1:58 am

    Same i dont care about the other ships but i already feel like i'm being told to prepare for heartbreak over ReixMasa >_<

    Nickname December 21, 2017 9:32 am
    Same i dont care about the other ships but i already feel like i'm being told to prepare for heartbreak over ReixMasa >_< @-_-

    No... Whatever happens don't ever touch my Babies MasaxRei

    nine December 22, 2017 6:06 am
    Same i dont care about the other ships but i already feel like i'm being told to prepare for heartbreak over ReixMasa >_< @-_-

    Rei x Masa??
    Oh,nononono...It is hard to imagine >_<

    Anonymous February 18, 2018 6:41 am

    No. I love reading and reading manga is easier and faster than reading books. I hate when I reread a story or finally can read a new chapter and a good story is wasted or the quality decreases because the author had to rush the story. And I hate when an author never ends an amazing 10/10 story... But as long as the quality doesn't drop and the author plans on finishing the story and doesn't lose his interest for writing, i don't mind waiting.