Dear Kim Jonghyun . . . It's a cold day today, dress warmly on your way to heaven. We may have lost a diamond but the skies got another star, and the heavens just got an angel. R.i.P we'll miss you
He was so young.... Korea doesn’t allow depression medications, and the life of an idol is so hard. Kpop stars don’t get paid much, they don’t get to eat much,they can’t have relationships.... so, so sad... I hope he is in a better place
This reply will be showed after approved! GumjiNyoki ♥
Suicide is not a cause of death, but rather it is a means of death, like homocide or infanticide. Cardiac arrest from gas was his cause of death. He was displaying suicidal tendencies but mental health is not recognized widely in Korea
Dear Kim Jonghyun . . . It's a cold day today, dress warmly on your way to heaven. We may have lost a diamond but the skies got another star, and the heavens just got an angel. R.i.P we'll miss you