Lezhin Legal Trouble

animeluvzu December 18, 2017 6:42 am

If you don't know Lezhin, the website, is in deep trouble. They have been evading taxes, in their country and internationally, they also been keeping a large amount of money from the artist, and have told the artists that if they don't create new content, i.e. if a story is getting to long or if the ratio of free to paid chapters are unbalanced, they could lose the revenue they been earning, may increase the amount of tokens to pay for new future chapters, and their story could be dropped.

Now this a quick summary of what's been going on. If you want to read more go here



They give a better explanation of what's going on.

I hope this helps you you understand what's going on and why we might not see any new chapters for awhile.

    Anonymous December 18, 2017 2:54 pm

    So has their petition been accepted by the blue house yet or no? Whats the development on this?
    I have seen some artists STILL posting and updating their work on Lezhin,i thought it was a writers' strike,but it seems some authors are still uploading.even though they are in on this petition.

    animeluvzu December 18, 2017 6:52 pm
    So has their petition been accepted by the blue house yet or no? Whats the development on this? I have seen some artists STILL posting and updating their work on Lezhin,i thought it was a writers' strike,but it... @Anonymous

    So far the petition is still going on - https://www1.president.go.kr/petitions/60721?navigation=best-petitions. Many artists have this as their main form of income as well as being under a contract with Lezhin.

    I don't know how the legal action and progress works is in S. Korea, so all I can do is give small updates and links of current information of what's going on.

    animeluvzu December 18, 2017 6:59 pm

    I left this part out by accident.

    Many artist write the story themselves or with a small group/partner. Though it's mainly the writers that are protesting, it still effects as a whole.

    Asuka_L_Soryu December 20, 2017 4:19 am

    Wow...that is crazy. I would protest by not purchasing anything from them but some of my very fav stories are on Lezhin (killing stalking, warehouse, Kings Maker)

    Now I think I understand why so many stories seemed rushed or ended really badly (what lies in the end)

    animeluvzu December 20, 2017 5:52 am
    Wow...that is crazy. I would protest by not purchasing anything from them but some of my very fav stories are on Lezhin (killing stalking, warehouse, Kings Maker) Now I think I understand why so many stories se... Asuka_L_Soryu

    It's a hard discission but one of the best way is to help is bring awareness of what is going on but also supporting the artist, ideally by buying chapters.

    Anonymous December 20, 2017 9:57 pm

    So much for "buy the chapters, support the artist" mentality - more like "support Lezhin, hope they'll pay the artist". Seeing Grey's story made me wonder if Haribo even got paid for those chapters I bought - it was the english version after all. Also explains the shit ending.
    I never liked their "buy in the dark" model, but dayum, expoiting webtoon artists like that just plain scares me. It's bad already you need to get popular (or have a really good pitch) to even start earning anything and you're heavily dependant on views you get, at the same time being forced to meet the deadlines... Then you gotta deal with the publisher ripping you off on literally anything they can, not to mention holding the rights to your comic (or at least limiting you on what you can do). I don't feel bad for paying, but I sure wish I'd donated directly instead (ofc to the translator too).
    Makes you really fear the future of the remaining comics. I wish Team Killerwhale will find a way to finish Warehouse...

    hunterx2 December 23, 2017 7:25 am

    Someone should contact the authors at risk and tell them about Patreon. They have a section for comics, the authors have a audience willing to pay, And Patreon won't rip them off. They could make thousands a month, without any of the pressure that comes from these shady companies.

    Asuka_L_Soryu December 23, 2017 6:24 pm
    Someone should contact the authors at risk and tell them about Patreon. They have a section for comics, the authors have a audience willing to pay, And Patreon won't rip them off. They could make thousands a mo... hunterx2

    That’s a really good idea!