For those asking if it’s worth reading the mature version…
I am so incredibly emotional for I have been putting off finishing this sto...
I'm disgusted with the old king. But what was he letting the dog do to the ...
Broo wtf was that the S'A and Pedo shit part was unnecessary like the autho...
I know this is definitely not the best place to say this but I have no other way to get this message out to everyone. I am very sorry, last week I tried to upload chapter 34, I really did, but mangago would not let me. I thought for sure that it would be taken down... but I see that some other kind soul has taken up the role as uploaded. I do not know why they are allowed to upload and I am not. Im entrusting this role to them, whoever they may be. Thank you so much for stepping up when I apparently cannot do this any further. I am so sorry if I have disappointed you, believe me, I feel terrible, I was so willing to dedicate my life for the next 15 weeks to uploading this for everyone, but mangago stopped me in my tracks... once again I am so very sorry, and so very thankful to the new uploader, and so very confused as to why I can't continue... I'm sorry.
Please pass this message on if you can, if you see someone confused or angry at me, please tell them... :'(
- K