    Anonymous December 15, 2017 9:44 pm

    sucks we gotta wait until next month to see this translated. XD However im shocked the professor was talking to Hee-eun let alone sitting close to her. WTF? The girl tried to kill you and your comfortable sitting in a room alone with her? What is going on??

    Dixon December 15, 2017 10:53 pm

    After hee eun mother yelled at her maybe she run away from home. Her clothes, that backpack, also never seen her smoking, there must be something wrong

    Anonymous December 16, 2017 2:18 am
    After hee eun mother yelled at her maybe she run away from home. Her clothes, that backpack, also never seen her smoking, there must be something wrong Dixon

    Is it "running away" from home when your 23 years old?