that was good... until the later part. i'm suddenly WHAT WHAAAT WHAAAT after he was rape...

reirei December 2, 2017 7:32 pm

that was good... until the later part.

i'm suddenly WHAT WHAAAT WHAAAT after he was raped by that ugly wearing glasses guy.

it was mentioned that while in prison he has been touched a lot but through the first part he didn't show any symptom of addiction but it was apparent that he had some violent tendency with sex but after he was raped he suddenly became a drug and sex addict?? was he triggered by that ugly wearing glasses??

i also didn't likd how Yuuseke kept jolding him and thinkng that he's holding him to show him that there's something else from him well at least he's aware that he's also just trickinh himself and that he really just can't stop himself from having srx with Fukami.

and goood he was shot randomly!! and then amnesia and then there's that ugly guy again and i paid less attention as i clicked on next and tada!! didn't get the end anymore.

seemed like they're about to go somewhere but Fukami regained his memory and bam! i don't understand anymore lalalalal

    amiraswann93 January 18, 2018 8:10 am

    Haha... This is exectly how i feel as i was reading the story... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    reirei January 18, 2018 1:54 pm
    Haha... This is exectly how i feel as i was reading the story... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ amiraswann93

    hopes it was better. honestly XD

    reirei January 18, 2018 1:56 pm

    oh. i meant "god" by gooood but it seemed like it ended up looking good instead of long god. it's so bad how it seemed i thought it was good that he was shot but no, definitely not. i meant god by that

    amiraswann93 January 18, 2018 3:20 pm
    oh. i meant "god" by gooood but it seemed like it ended up looking good instead of long god. it's so bad how it seemed i thought it was good that he was shot but no, definitely not. i meant god by that reirei

    hahaha.... i read it as "good" at first and it doesnt make sense.. so, i figured u must mean it as "god" (⌒▽⌒)

    reirei January 19, 2018 9:40 am
    hahaha.... i read it as "good" at first and it doesnt make sense.. so, i figured u must mean it as "god" (⌒▽⌒) amiraswann93

    Yay!! you got me!

    Mameiha January 6, 2019 8:40 pm

    Of course Fukami turned to drugs after he was raped, both in prison and by Arishima. That is not an uncommon reaction to rape. Drugs offer a means of escaping reality and easing the burden on the mind. However, the reality catches up with you and now you are just an addict with mental instability. So, are drugs a healthy means of dealing with rape? Hell, no! That doesn't mean desperate people don't do it though.

    There is something to be said for the type of therapy that Yuusuke was trying to use on Fukami. Rape and sex are not the same thing. Sex, as a physical act, differs when you change how and why you are doing it. By allowing Fukami to see that sex itself is not the debasing, violating and violent act he had encountered in the past, he managed to get Fukami to, at least, admit that he enjoyed the sensations he felt during sex and that he craved those sensations. That is a huge step for someone who was repeatedly, violently raped.

    By the end, Fukami is living peacefully with Yuusuke, but his memories are slowly returning. The important part is that he is ignoring his memories. As he remembers his past, he realizes that his life was hell and not something he ever really chose for himself. Thus, by choosing to ignore his past and remain with Yuusuke, he is finally choosing the life he always wished he had. His injury and amnesia were a blessing because they allowed him to escape a life that normally has no escape except death.

    This manga was long and the writing, although poignant, tends to meander a lot. It wasn't easy for me to slog through scenes that were either pointless or revolting, but I did it because there are important hints hidden in what is going on. For instance, the hetero sex scenes, for me, are nauseating, but there are important clues about Fukami's state of mind in them. He fucks like his life depends on it, but at the same time, he cares little for his partner. Basically, he is having sex with women to prove to himself that he wasn't "tainted" by being raped. Things like this are all over this story. Skimming through scenes will only leave you with questions when it comes to this mangaka.