
Tbh the movie sucked but the book was amazing.

Sites like gomovies and stuff take time to update movies. So this might take like a month or two to be updated. I usually watch movies on these sites but if a movie is truly worth supporting I go and watch it in theatres. If you can catch it in the cinema hall but if you can't then wait for like a month and a half or so for the 360p+ plus come on there.
You guys, I watched "wonder" today and oh god, I loved it so much. Auggie was such a sweetheart and ugh can Julia Roberts just marry me already? I teared up twice and I just straight cried during one scene. I felt so weird for tearing up so much and I was just like "what's wrong with me? Why must I be so emotional?" and I was trying so hard not to bawl (lol plus I had mascara on so I can't really wipe my eyes) when I heard this grown and man behind me sniffle back tears and for a second I felt like it was alright to be emotional?
Anyways, everyone needs to watch the movie and read the book, it can be cheesy as times but the messages, the characters... Just everything ughh. So good. Highly recommended. There was this final dialogue that went along the lines of "in order to know everyone's story, sometimes all you have to do is look" and I swear that just makes me so happy.
Okay bye