So, Jaeha really did delude himself. He knew what was going on but just told himself that ...

astralsensei December 2, 2017 3:57 pm

So, Jaeha really did delude himself. He knew what was going on but just told himself that it's natural because of yoseob's past. Well damn...

No offense to anyone out there, but Jaeha deserves that smack from Yura. She's telling him that she got half her face ripped off and he's just acting all casual bout' it. 'Like yeah, my brother does this every month. I keep watch over him but I didn't know he'd attack someone at the school' Like no. Your brother is not Remus Lupin so stop.

But I feel more pity for Yoseob's past. He's unwanted and scared, so the love of his brother makes him happy. Unfortunately, so much that he only wants his brother to himself, claim your property, much? Yoseob probably is okay with it because of the abuse he gets. Still doesn't mean that he deserves some therapy and community service work.

MURDER CAN NEVER BE LET GO. People have died and that's not right to take their future away. However, because of his story he is able to lessen his punishment. But if the victim is still alive, he or she may press charges against him and cause him to stay in prison longer. So how ever the story goes, Yoseob will still be arrested and put in jail if he is caught. Which seems like he did from the previous chapters.

But I still want a bitterswet ending like Bastard. One that will end happily but not all that happy and unrealistic!

    Anonymous December 2, 2017 8:46 pm

    Was he really deluding himself? He knew what was going on, he knew that Yoseob was previously abused and he still actively tried to manipulate him for his own agenda. Not to metion he didn't stop even after seeing the consequences of his actions. In my opinion he didn't act casual about Yoseob attacking Yura. Quite the opposite. He was completly torn between the two of them. Between protecting the girl he likes and protecting his brother. And since we already know how Jaeha's mind works, it not the biggest suprise he chose the latter, no?

    lol December 4, 2017 6:52 pm

    I feel the same way. Idk if its the difference in translation but I angry when the chapter came out. Not at Yoseob, but at Jaeha. I still like Jaeha, but Jaeha is being indulgent to the point its ridiculous. Reminds me of a moms that silently aids their abusive husbands in abusing their children by telling the children to keep quiet about it for the sake of "family harmony".
    He not helping Yoseob, at all. Neither is he helping Yura. His first reaction wasnt asking Yura how she is, but that no one must know what Yoseob has done.
    He's basically asking a victim to keep quiet for the sake for their perpetrator, and saying that he's been covering for the perpetrator the whole time.
    And yes yoseob needs help but he won't get it if he shuts himself off.