am I a masochist? Weird question...but I'm serious

kyra 23 December 1, 2017 2:11 am

So, I was over my friend house and I ended up spending the night over her house and I slept on the old worn out couch. Well, all day today, my back is has been hurting...kind of sore. But in a way it sort of feels's weird for me to explain. Like sometimes when my body is sore or I'm healing from a sore, I feel good. So, am I a masochist?

    Anonymous December 1, 2017 2:14 am

    No lol

    may December 1, 2017 2:17 am

    Just because your back hurts and you like it, you deduced you're a masochist? smh

    Ben is a Hoe December 1, 2017 2:19 am

    There’s more to masochism than enjoying pain. Masochists have a desire to be dominated. Do you like it when people are authoritative or dominant with you?

    Anonymous December 1, 2017 2:27 am


    chizaman December 1, 2017 2:30 am

    No, not really.

    kyra 23 December 1, 2017 2:32 am
    There’s more to masochism than enjoying pain. Masochists have a desire to be dominated. Do you like it when people are authoritative or dominant with you? Ben is a Hoe

    Sometimes, I do like a authoritativeness --in a way being dominated. It's hard for me to explain. Honestly, I know that there is a lot to masochism but I really do like some forms of pain. I am so serious. I know people are going to thumbs down my comment. But I don't care, I am actually asking a community that I thought would be comfortable with it. For example, I like to get bitten sometimes and the sensation afterwards.

    Ben is a Hoe December 1, 2017 2:39 am
    Sometimes, I do like a authoritativeness --in a way being dominated. It's hard for me to explain. Honestly, I know that there is a lot to masochism but I really do like some forms of pain. I am so serious. I kn... kyra 23

    I think you have masochistic tendencies that need to be explored more. It would be a good idea to try out some things with your partner (or when you get a partner if you’re single).