ogeretsu tanaka sama

shvfya asdfghjkl November 30, 2017 2:19 am

if I were to complain something about this masterpiece, that would be the title (I won't complain about the sensors anymore...). their journey is by no means an escape. the path they chose together is the path towards acceptance. anyway, I love you sensei! thanks for making this manga!

    IOTR December 3, 2017 10:35 pm

    If you look at it another way, it's their journey away from always trying to escape.. How does it sound? :)

    shvfya asdfghjkl December 4, 2017 12:47 pm
    If you look at it another way, it's their journey away from always trying to escape.. How does it sound? :) IOTR

    that's probably and most likely the reason. I have nothing against it. it's just that I would love to emphasize that their choice of being together justified everything that happened ergo they were in denial in the process... thanks for the feedback IOTR san. guess it just shows much this manga means to us!