ntohing to do with manga / anime

achu_k November 29, 2017 7:09 pm

i know what im saying now is nothing related to what this website was created for. I'm kind of lost. I dont know why. I had a quite rough past but i never let out my feelings, because i thought i would show the world, how weak i am. I dont want to be a weak girl. But lately i noticed that the feelings i've been holding is about to burst out. i dont know how to deal with it.

    RAINBOW November 29, 2017 7:11 pm

    How is its you feel? Can you explain better?

    ikya_mi November 29, 2017 7:39 pm

    Why do you think letting out your feelings makes you weak? I would consider it the opposite. Expressing your true emotions actually requires a bit of bravery, since you're not afraid to bare your soul for other people to judge.

    achu_k November 29, 2017 8:18 pm
    How is its you feel? Can you explain better? RAINBOW

    i dont know how to describe it.i feel lonely even tho i have friends, good grades and for some reason i dont know why, i'm popular ( not to sound selfish or self centred ) it feels like im in a dark place i cant get out of. i've been dealing with it fpr more than 9 yrs.

    Luca November 30, 2017 5:01 pm

    Lol at least ur popular. People that surround me are super racist. Gosh I wanna punch their face at times.
    I'm not a homo but I love yaoi and I'm also kinda bad at socializing but I do hav people that surround me, but hell it's just hard 2 understand them.
    I'm also lonely even though I get plenty attention from my parents, excellent grades (top student) but I guess need 2 work on friends cuz I hav a hard time trusting people. Maybe cuz I'm just too aware of them??
    I once hav a friend that asked to me whether she was a fake friend or true friend and I found myself tongue tied and I couldn't answer her and end up disappointing my friend.

    Luca November 30, 2017 5:08 pm
    i dont know how to describe it.i feel lonely even tho i have friends, good grades and for some reason i dont know why, i'm popular ( not to sound selfish or self centred ) it feels like im in a dark place i c... achu_k

    If u feel like that, I think ur actually not satisfied with ur life. Maybe u should find a hobby or do something u enjoy. Lol or u could try playing in the rain. Not joking, rain helps to fill in the loneliness. It kinda feels like the rain brushes away your sadness and lets u feel only the coldness of the water. Try escaping from reality for a short while. U can't run from reality but it's alright 2 leave 4 a sec.
    Oh and another tip, it'd be better if the hobby is something u do by urself cuz what u need right now might be something 2 make u stronger

    achu_k November 30, 2017 7:56 pm
    If u feel like that, I think ur actually not satisfied with ur life. Maybe u should find a hobby or do something u enjoy. Lol or u could try playing in the rain. Not joking, rain helps to fill in the loneliness... Luca

    one of my hobby is drawing but i lately get no time to do that becazse of school. Lol. I'd rather pass your recommendation of staying in the rain, because i easily get sick. haha. And yeah you're not the only who's is surrounded by racist people. haha. But i realised that i shouldnt waste my time on them, because they're not worth it. haha

    Luca December 1, 2017 6:27 am
    one of my hobby is drawing but i lately get no time to do that becazse of school. Lol. I'd rather pass your recommendation of staying in the rain, because i easily get sick. haha. And yeah you're not the only w... achu_k

    Lol, u easily get sick?? Whoop... Ur completely the opposite of me then Σ(  ̄□ ̄||).
    Y don't u just nap?? It could be considered a hobby actually (if u enjoy it) or jogging might be great too (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜. Lol recommending the napping part cuz it helps a lot with my fatigue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Luca December 1, 2017 6:38 am
    Lol, u easily get sick?? Whoop... Ur completely the opposite of me then Σ(  ̄□ ̄||).Y don't u just nap?? It could be considered a hobby actually (if u enjoy it) or jogging might be great too (〜 ̄△ ̄)... Luca

    Well, my hobby is writing since I liked to bring my boring life to a more lively one. I've been writing since I was twelve, lel (kinda wasting my life a lil but who cares). ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍. LOL OR EASY WAY OUT! READ SOME MANGAS!!! (≧∀≦). Not the tragic one though if ur weak hearted, read fluffy ones and no shojos cuz main female sucks and so annoying (︶︿︶)=凸. Or just play otome games #-.-)
    Oh btw and u shouldn't rly post these type of comments like u feel lonely or what cuz people these days hav a mental prob and likes to down grade people like u.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ