WTF is going on in the comments? I'm scrolling and see some immature shit going off on people for no reason. Is there an 11 year old on here?
trolls everywhere
I do that sometimes when I’m depressed lmao I hope that troll is OK
yeah, don't worry about them. there's the occasional troll here and there
An edgy eight year old didn't get enough attention from Muisaki, now they're out for blood.
I think it's a smol yandere going about it the wrong way...yikes.
After their long break, the troll came back. They usually come and go after a month max.
Hi I'm an edgy ten year old looking for a good time, bedtime's 7:30 :3
Uhhhh.....yeahhhhhhhhh.....That...That happens some time to time...nah just fucking with you, it happens almost every single time I’m on here....and that’s like everyday since I’ve got nothing better to do....
Here's a deck of cards, have fun
im 2 edgy 4 that
You're too edgy for poker?!!
WTF is going on in the comments? I'm scrolling and see some immature shit going off on people for no reason. Is there an 11 year old on here?