the more sensei elongates this manga the more people start to 1- hate kae for being so dumb 2- hate mutsumi sempai, which btw wtf? the guy's a fucking angel 3- love igarashi which I kinda understand but calm the fuck down, it ain't gonna happen 4- I start realizing there might be a good chance of shima and igarashi becoming a thing in the future ....Or it could just be me 5-if y'all seriously think junko sensei ain't gonna do sex scenes I suggest you check up on the her past stuff and guess again. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
the more sensei elongates this manga the more people start to
1- hate kae for being so dumb
2- hate mutsumi sempai, which btw wtf? the guy's a fucking angel
3- love igarashi which I kinda understand but calm the fuck down, it ain't gonna happen
4- I start realizing there might be a good chance of shima and igarashi becoming a thing in the future ....Or it could just be me
5-if y'all seriously think junko sensei ain't gonna do sex scenes I suggest you check up on the her past stuff and guess again.
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜