youre doing amazing sweetie

eggsmeetpots November 26, 2017 1:36 pm

das right subin take a walk to your home with hyunwoo and dont ever come back, now that hyung has given you the chance take it and you will be free, seriously though, never come back and let hyung live his life with someone better
you and hyunwoo can rot together in your love den

    Lillian November 27, 2017 3:42 am


    tru tho

    Anonymous November 27, 2017 6:08 am

    Obviously don't remember the first time Subin asked to stay with him because if you did you'd finally realize how victim blamey you are. Why didn't Kang just keep refusing to put him up since he wasn't the one looking for a lifeline at the time. And both he, Hyunwoo and the red headed friends have been jerks to Subin in the past. But ONLY the one who's been hurt most has the most responsibility. After all Subin is responsible for not expecting someone to love him back but Kang NEVER is. Also please actually read the chapter next time or other people's comments before embarrassing yourself next time. He wasnt running to Hyunwoo sweetcheeks. He was doing what you WANTED him to do. Oops? Also falling sick and fainting is TOTALLY something he should be able to control AMIRITE? KTBN.

    youraedthiswrogn November 27, 2017 2:10 pm
    Obviously don't remember the first time Subin asked to stay with him because if you did you'd finally realize how victim blamey you are. Why didn't Kang just keep refusing to put him up since he wasn't the one ... @Anonymous

    Yes you dumbass, managing a sickness as basic-bitch as the common cold is something anyone should be able to handle. UWERERIGHT. Take pills and sleep if you're feeling bad enough to lose consciousness... Subin's been "hurt the most" because he's a shameless bitch, he's brought everything but his heartache from Hyunwoo's 1st rejection of his feelings on himself.