It seems you don't know the difference between rape and consensual sex though. I never said this was wrong or that no one should enjoy it. Just fucking know it for what it is - rape. Ok?? Don't try to play it down for your own conscience cuz that's what it is. I don't read stuff like this most of the time but when I do, I acknowledge the fact that it was rape. Not "little rape" or "mini rape" or "fun sized rape" ok?

Now this is too much. If u r ignorant enough to believe our jokes, i feel sry for u. If u can´t tell the difference between story and reality, that´s even worse. I find it hilarious how people who pretend to be "good" here and are sooooo concerned about little shit like this and yet in real life they would not give a shit or bother helping someone who is raped!!!! So don´t just pretend you give a shit. If u were a decent human, instead of writing here you would have had the guts to go and help in real life instead of wasting our time!!!

I Know The Difference And I Recognized The Joke. I can honestly say though my level of care for fiction is nothing the answer don't read if someone likes the manga and you bitch rape than you should guess. The response but I'm definitely not just gonna let people shit on me because I can tell fiction from reality. Purposely trying to make people feel shitty for reading go somewhere with that.

Because this was a joke right? What a poor excuse to cover up YOUR ignorance. Also, why are we talking about my character here? For all you know I could be a volunteer at a woman's shelter which is why I'm trying to make it clear that it's rape. If you can't tell it's rape in fiction, how the hell are you going to be able to tell it's rape irl? You wouldn't even be able to help them. Don't try to make me pretentious here - you need to face the facts and yourself before you go around trashing other people

Omg that's not even the point. If I said I did would you believe me? Prob not but you know what, ima say it, I used to Ok? And that's besides the point, the point is that you don't know me and have no right to talk about me as if I have no right to say this stuff because I have just as much right as you. Go ahead and call it what you want but it won't change what it is, no matter what euphemism you used capeesh?
rape?? what.. this??? you clearly haven't read a manga with "rape". this?? this is nothing