No love triangle pls thank u

Imonlyhereforyaoi November 23, 2017 12:48 pm

No love triangle pls thank u

    SayerSong November 23, 2017 1:41 pm

    Normally I am not adversed to love triangles, but in this case I agree. I will not be happy if the guy that refused his confession, suddenly decides he likes him after all. simply because he is trying to keep his brother away.

    Anonymous November 24, 2017 2:08 am
    Normally I am not adversed to love triangles, but in this case I agree. I will not be happy if the guy that refused his confession, suddenly decides he likes him after all. simply because he is trying to keep h... SayerSong

    So it would have been better if he hadn't refused him when he wasn't in love with him? And the jerk Mad Dog is better for him? I prefer non abusive characters but each to their own.

    SayerSong November 24, 2017 4:13 am
    So it would have been better if he hadn't refused him when he wasn't in love with him? And the jerk Mad Dog is better for him? I prefer non abusive characters but each to their own. @Anonymous

    No, I am not saying that. If you read what I wrote, I said I will not be happy if he SUDDENLY DECIDES he likes him. I am not saying he shouldn't have refused him before. But if he decides NOW that he likes him, when he didn't like him before, it will come off as forced and contrived. Nothing about the uke has changed except that now the guy's brother is interested in him. So there is absolutely no reason for him to suddenly like the uke that way now. As for the "jerk Mad dog" as you put it, he has not exactly been abusive yet. A bit aggressive YES. But he hasn't hit the guy, he hasn't raped him, and he has been trying to state from the beginning that he LIKES THE GUY but everyone else is assuming he is lying and just teasing him. And before you point out the brother's bruises, it was a MUTUAL FIGHT that the prince brother lost.

    And in reply to your "is he better?", Yeah, in a way he is. At least he actually LIKES the uke. So yeah, I would rather see him with the mad dog (who I think is going to show that he is a lot more caring than anyone is giving him credit for) than to have the prince brother suddenly decide "Oh, I was wrong, I want him after all, because I have flighty feelings and don't know what I actually want."

    Don't get me wrong. I do like the prince brother. It is just that it would feel out of character at this point.

    Hell, in all honesty, the only character I really cannot stand at this point is the so-called best friend who sells the uke out for a lousy food coupon, or two, all the time.

    Ness November 26, 2017 10:19 am
    No, I am not saying that. If you read what I wrote, I said I will not be happy if he SUDDENLY DECIDES he likes him. I am not saying he shouldn't have refused him before. But if he decides NOW that he likes him,... SayerSong

    Same same. We didn't see Mad Dog being abusive yet. I got a feeling that everything might be just rumors about him.

    Imonlyhereforyaoi November 26, 2017 12:41 pm

    No fight on my comment pls thank u

    SayerSong November 26, 2017 8:04 pm
    Same same. We didn't see Mad Dog being abusive yet. I got a feeling that everything might be just rumors about him. Ness

    That's what I'm thinking.

    SayerSong November 26, 2017 8:06 pm
    No fight on my comment pls thank u Imonlyhereforyaoi

    Sorry. Wasn't trying to fight. Was just trying to clarify what I was saying. When I capitalize singular words like that, it is not meant as yelling, but is meant instead to stress that specific word. Sorry if it did not come off that way.

    SayerSong November 26, 2017 8:07 pm
    Sorry. Wasn't trying to fight. Was just trying to clarify what I was saying. When I capitalize singular words like that, it is not meant as yelling, but is meant instead to stress that specific word. Sorry if i... SayerSong

    And singular phrases as well.