Fuck You

Kkalv16 November 23, 2017 6:14 am

To all the people that are reading this and judge that girl simply because she is a female with an actual fucking personality as if you people didn't do shitty things, fuck you if you are on the side of the kid that stabbed her and clearly needs help because he has a serious mental illness, stop romanticizing him and his brother, if you wanted to read some yaoi bullshit that made you feel edgy while reading it why don't you just go to read some fucking Harada you bitch cause I swear most people who comment, expect this to be some kind of incest romance, and you know what I bet the people who think like this are stupid fucking teenage girls who cum to the thought of dudes fucking but god forbid you see a female character without getting your pussies in a twist and screaming to her how could she ruin your fucked up ship, oh wait wouldn't it be so much better if she just didn't have a face like all of those female characters in yaoi so you can see how serious the story takes itself, seriously people if you didn't come for an actual good story then just move on to read some of the bullshit you like where females apparently don't even exist so you won't have to feel glad when they literally stab her for no good reason and you piece of shit celebrate that and price the psychopath child cause poor baby, right? you just ripped her face off but that is fine cause she was trying to still your brother away from you, who cares the totally normal girl is at the hospital she is a bitch because she is female with a personality so that annoys me, well buhu you bitch the story is going to still focus on her because it depicts her as an actual fucking person who sadly took part on the mass killing of a mentally ill child and that's not going to change, wait I have an idea why don't you go whining to the author how you wanted this story to be free of females that don't appeal to you oh no I forgot you and me are on a illegal site pirating the work of the hard working artist so we should just shut the fuck up if we don't have anything that's actually relevant to the story to say, I'm sure the little portion of the people who are genuinely interested in the story will appreciate if you bitchy yaoi fans (who by the way are showing to be so much more of a bitch than her) stop commenting unimportant shit about how you don't like her.
Now if you'll excuse me I'll sit here waiting for all the stupid fangirls to dislike my comment because they felt offended by the truth so they can prove my point, as I have seen every comment with a bit of common sense being bashed for not throwing trash at the girl by these same people.

    Kie November 23, 2017 7:00 am

    you're so done and i relate so much we might be the same person in different bodies ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    lemonkun November 23, 2017 7:51 am

    Thank you for this rant, it's so annoying to see the comments being filled with wanting bl and not yura's side of story, like this is being read illegally anyway, whining about bl fantasies here isn't gonna make the author suddenly change her genre. This is not even tagged Yaoi then why beg for it here?
    I love the progression of the story so far.

    chizaman November 23, 2017 3:43 pm

    I'm not even going to bother with reading this whole thing, but I agree.

    SangwooWyd November 23, 2017 9:06 pm


    Nin.Tendou November 23, 2017 9:18 pm

    Well i understand your point and i agree but why so offensive? I like yaoi and i still read this webtoon for the story, i do not like yura that much, simply because i dont like overly emotional ppl and i definitely dont ship the brothers. I think the goal of your comment was to vent at all the ppl who ship the brothers and want this to be yaoi, but damn you went so offensive that i feel bad for reading yaoi now... Also why so triggered, i go through a lot of comments about this webtoon and the fujoshis here are almost none existant. No need to be so insulting...

    Kkalv16 November 24, 2017 3:50 am
    Well i understand your point and i agree but why so offensive? I like yaoi and i still read this webtoon for the story, i do not like yura that much, simply because i dont like overly emotional ppl and i defini... Nin.Tendou

    Lol sorry but I seriously didn't care who I offended yesterday and got a bit carried away cause I was sleep deprived, you can read whatever you want, I have read yaoi too and I know there are actually some good stories out there but damn some people take liking that genre to another level, I swear this comment section and the killing stalking one have some horrible people, I mean I even stopped reading the second series for a while because of the comments of people that were genuinely disturbing and sick, the sad thing is that nobody gave a fuck about it like every single one agreed on those horrible things of praising mental illness for the sake of fucked up sex and degrading females. I know this is a series but it worries me that some of these people are youth that are thinking like this, nobody can judge them here because they don't know them so they let go all of the horrible thoughts they have, I seriously hope it's just their horny asses for yaoi talking without analyzing the situation instead of what they think should happen to a person that they don't like or to a girl victim of violence.
    You can like or dislike the character I don't care, my point was that attacking her for just not being the filler boring character who doesn't mess with their gay ship, she is a person who even if her way of being results annoying to some should be taken into context before literary celebrating because they boy stabbed her, like okay I get you don't like her but that doesn't mean you go and express how glad you are that happened to someone, people annoy me yes, but that doesn't mean I go and wish them dead. Anyways this answer too long already, so for me I got the crazy fujoshis every time I've read the comments so yeah that probably helped me getting fed up yesterday.

    Kkalv16 November 24, 2017 4:52 am
    omg you're so done and i relate so much we might be the same person in different bodies ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kie

    Haha glad to hear you can relate to my frustration, you know the suffering

    Nin.Tendou November 24, 2017 8:53 am
    Lol sorry but I seriously didn't care who I offended yesterday and got a bit carried away cause I was sleep deprived, you can read whatever you want, I have read yaoi too and I know there are actually some good... Kkalv16

    I read everything, and i totally agree with you ^^ and holy shit yes a part of the killing stalking fandom is sooo fucked up lmao. Giving it the yaoi genre was a mistake i guess. I'd like to slap some of those people aswell but most of the time its more entertaining for me seeing these people in ks comment sessions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭