Unpopular Opinion

Mimi November 21, 2017 3:16 am

I still like Subin and I don't think the issues with Hyung are entirely his fault. Hyung is jealous of his feelings for Hyunwoo and he has a right to be, but if anyone has ever been in a relationship with someone who is jealous all the time it is actually really difficult. Hyung says he loves Subin but I'm not sure he's ever said what he loves about him, maybe what he loved the most was the feeling of stealing Subin away. I don't think Hyung's love is as pure as everyone thinks it is. At times he seems kinda judgmental and controlling. If you can't fall asleep in your own apartment without your boyfriend freaking out and calling you 8 times it's a problem (even if your ex-crush still lives there). He said he was "worried" but Subin did txt him to say he got home safely. So he wasn't actually worried about Subin, he was just worried about being cheated on. Considering nothing has ever happened between Subin and Hyunwoo, I think it's excessive to be this mistrustful of someone you claim to love. You can't live with someone who doesn't trust you, that's why Subin feels so suffocated and why he's starting to pull away. Anyway, I do like Hyung a lot but he's not this perfect baby who's heart is being trampled on by a cruel user.

    Queenbanana November 21, 2017 3:30 am

    No he's not perfect but Subin is the one mostly at fault. Hyung can't trust him because Subin doesn't give him any reason to. He keeps feeding on to Hyungs insecurities and doesn't even realize it. Or more like, he realizes it but doesn't give a f***. Subin is just so self centered selfish and high maintenance. How many times must the guy tell you he loves you when you haven't even said you like him? Jesus. Hyung 's biggest fault is keeping Subin around this long. Throw that annoying ass out already

    Mimi November 21, 2017 4:04 am
    No he's not perfect but Subin is the one mostly at fault. Hyung can't trust him because Subin doesn't give him any reason to. He keeps feeding on to Hyungs insecurities and doesn't even realize it. Or more like... Queenbanana

    lol. Ether way they're screwed. They're both needy and want the other to love them more than they do. I think part of the reason Subin kept asking Hyung to say he loved him and why he was so upset the day that he didn't was because he could tell that Hyung isn't actually in love with him. And the reason Hyung keeps trying to control Subin is because he can tell Subin isn't really in love with him either. I don't think Subin 'doesn't give a fuck' I think he gives a lot of fucks but you can't change your feelings that easily. Hyung is also pretty self centered. When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay?

    youraedthiswrogn November 21, 2017 8:18 am

    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyways. It's not just "him falling asleep in his own apartment", it's him going to sleep in the apartment that his crush lives in and ignoring all of his boyfriend's texts... You make it sound like a bad thing that he had missed calls when he woke up, but this isn't the 1st time Subin has given Hyung reason to worry about Hyunwoo. Subin is literally 100% to blame for their relationship failing, it's not the scenario you're imagining it is in your head, Subin isn't all innocently hanging out with his best bud at their apartment, Hyung and Subin both know Subin isn't over Hyunwoo and Hyung is desperately trying to keep Subin from slipping right through his fingers and into Hyunwoo's hands. This manifests as jealousy, when in reality it's a very real concern, Hyung is literally watching his crush lose interest in him and be pulled towards an old flame right in front of him.Did you miss all the undertones? How is Hyung to blame when it's Subin making him jealous with his crazy antics?

    Ishi November 21, 2017 9:31 am

    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession thing.. so any normal person in a real relationship would do the same (especially if you received no call/texts whatsoever) and the fact that hyung knows about Subin's feeling towards Hyunwoo, he has all the right to feel the way he did..he's not being controlling, its called "in a relationship".. you should worry if your live-in partner wont just care if you do the same thing, coz not caring=not loving

    Queenbanana November 21, 2017 6:52 pm
    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession t... @Ishi

    LOL. Why do you people always go and insult others when your opinions don't match? "I guess you were never in a relationship". What does that matter? We are looking at things from an objective point of view and yes it's clear Subin is at fault here but @Mimi is right in saying Hyung isn't completely faultless. He likes Subin, a lot, and Subin openly pining for someone else is destroying poor Hyung. Their relationship isn't a good one. The age difference plays a huge factor here because of the gap in maturity. Yeah Hyung may come off as a little obsessive but what else can he do when his boyfriend keeps going after the other guy? Sit on his ass waiting for Subin to come to him when he needs him? He actually did that for a while when he didn't feel that strongly for Subin but now it's all gone to shit..

    youraedthiswrogn November 21, 2017 10:24 pm
    LOL. Why do you people always go and insult others when your opinions don't match? "I guess you were never in a relationship". What does that matter? We are looking at things from an objective point of view and... Queenbanana

    No, they aren't right. You can't blame Hyung for any of his actions when Subin is behind them all... That's like saying bread is still toast before you put it in the toaster, you aren't acknowledging that the toaster toasted the bread.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:20 pm
    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyw... youraedthiswrogn

    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' reasons. So, I don't know about you but I REALLY don't think Subin is the one who needs to make up his mind. Just sayin'.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:28 pm
    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' re... @Anonymous

    Moving out of the apartment he shared with Kang is what the whole monologue to himself was about, after all. How DID you MISS that????

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:32 pm
    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyw... youraedthiswrogn

    Did you miss reading this part of their comment: When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay?

    I don't freaking CARE how untrustworthy someone is, you do NOT dismiss them when they talk about how ILL they were. They are two *freaking separate matters*.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:36 pm
    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession t... @Ishi

    And yet Subin's similar feelings towards Hyunwoo are somehow an aberration. And he is somehow the one in the wrong, EVERY TIME. All I'm saying is that people judge Subin with one standard and Kang with another, yet the ones who DON'T do that are apparently the ones in the wrong. REALLY weird.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:51 pm
    Moving out of the apartment he shared with Kang is what the whole monologue to himself was about, after all. How DID you MISS that???? @Anonymous

    What I mean by moving out, was deciding to no longer leech off of him. Yet somehow that is wrong, too. And the fact that he decided to move out the apartment he shared with Hyunwoo is wrong, too, because he didn't do it for the RIGHT reasons. WOW.

    Anonymous November 22, 2017 12:15 am
    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' re... @Anonymous

    to grab some stuff to *presumably* do so...* My apologies for THAT, yes, but that's about it....

    agender.hardyaoilover November 22, 2017 12:23 am
    lol. Ether way they're screwed. They're both needy and want the other to love them more than they do. I think part of the reason Subin kept asking Hyung to say he loved him and why he was so upset the day that ... Mimi

    you are right fam Goddess bless you!

    youraedthiswrogn November 22, 2017 8:35 am
    Did you miss reading this part of their comment: When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay? I don't f... @Anonymous

    I see what you're saying, but if he's come back and looks fine then why would he be particularly worried. Also, i'll have to read back, but did Hyung KNOW that Subin was sick during the scene? I thought Subin just said something about it in his head...