From what I understand in the dj Dohyun is an imugi (a sort of proto-dragon in Korean folklore). To become a real dragon he needs a human to stay with him for 15 years then say "You are not a dragon", after which he will turn into a real dragon which is a heavenly being that resembles fog.
He rescued Sungho from some sort of trap in the forest when Sungho was a child, and they made the promise that Sungho will be that human that stays by his side for 15 years and then help turn Dohyun into a real dragon by saying the required "You are not a dragon". During that 15 years Sungho does not grow or age physically because of Dohyun's imugi powers (that was the time stop Sungho was talking about). At the end of the 15 years Dohyun asks Sungho to keep his promise and turn him into a dragon by saying the required words, but Sungho refuses to do it because he doesn't want to be separated from Dohyun. He tries to stab his own mouth so that he won't be forced to say the words, Dohyun stops him and Sungho ends up injuring his own face and getting a scar. Angered, Dohyun leaves Sungho and tells him he is not welcome in the forest anymore, while Sungho desperately chases after him while crying "Don't go". This is when the other village kids first sighted him running in the forest with a bleeding face (as shown in the start of the story).
At the beginning of the story a long period of time has passed since then and Sungho has grown into an adult physically, he is the captain of a squad whose aim is to capture the 'dragon' (Dohyun). Dohyun willingly appears and let himself be captured by the two patrol guards, who brings him back to Sungho. Sungho keeps him chained in a prison where he wants them to live together forever (a parallel to the main storyline), but Dohyun tells him it's impossible. In a fit of anger while ranting Sungho accidentally says "You are not a dragon". The spell is completed, and Dohyun turns into a real dragon. At the end of the story Sungho chases after Dohyun while crying "Don't go", just like what he did when he was a child. But of course Dohyun leaves, and Sungho is a complete wreck. THE END.
This is how I understood the story I tried my best hopefully it's a decent summary ( ̄∇ ̄")

Omg I hate such rude people like You. Why couldnt they write whatever they want. You have some really deep problem dude. I thought that their replay was quite helpfull and sweet. Its lovely when somebody spend their time on trying to help someone else. What i really dont get was the meaning od your rather rude post. It was completely meaningless. Duch... Such anoying people... Do something more productive without your time.
@whitemalik: thanks for your interpetation honey!!!

Can someone explain the doujinshi? It's very interesting but the plot was messy.