
youraedthiswrogn November 20, 2017 7:30 am

I love all these "it's rape!" comments, at most it was rape play fan service for the readers. He said it feels good during the sex and was even thinking about his feelings for the seme, he didn't even show any signs whatsoever of being mad about what happened afterward... Where is the rape? They were talking normally like nothing even happened RIGHT after the sex...

    Errui December 1, 2017 2:26 am

    good job guys

    youraedthiswrogn December 1, 2017 9:31 am
    Why not xD -sends online hug- ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~So..... Do you like cats? Meow

    I do, they're my favorite animal. I had a beautiful flametail Siamese cat with light blue eyes named Cimba, he was an indoor-outdoor cat. I had to leave state so i left him with a relative. He was really pretty, but he was hilariously gross too, he'd shit over the side of the litterbox and scratch the dirt onto the side trying to cover it. He'd also clean his ass and then make this really gross face where his second eyelids would show and his mouth would be partially open. One time he had diarrhea, but he loved me so he jumped up from the floor into my arms and accidentally left a streak of shit down the side of my shirt... ( ̄∇ ̄")