
awwi November 19, 2017 11:50 pm

For the people who want to know how season 1 ended:
Remember how we thought that the teacher was a playboy who took advantage of MC's feelings to have a fuckbuddy? Well, turned out we were wrong. He isn't a jerk who used the MC, he's a dolphin and nobody ever taught him how to behave as human. On top of that he is a rather slow learner. He didn't even know what the word "Jealousy" meant. He wanted to live with the trainer because he's a dolphin and dolphins live in pods. He wasn't romantically interested in the trainer, he just saw him as a friend.

Here's what happened:
MC was told by his parents to come back home (he had no job and was broke). He also broke up with the teacher (or he thought he did) because, after they'd found his former trainer, MC assumed that the teacher loved the trainer and not him (the teacher kissed the trainer in front of the MC but he only did it because that's what he always did when he was a dolphin. Of course MC didn't realize it. I mean, who would?) When he got home he was kicked out by his landlord. Later, teacher wanted to visit MC but he already moved out. The teacher panicked and was desperately searching for him when he finally found him at the bus stop. MC actually didn't want to see him but teacher managed to convice him to go with him.
The MC just wanted to have sex with the teacher one last time but teacher had other plans. He thought the only way to stop MC from running away was to tie him up, so the next morning he woke up in full body bondage. The teacher didn't want to untie him so MC convinced teacher to call the trainer (he thought he would help him) and they had lunch together. That's when MC snapped (the teacher treated the trainer way better than the MC) and ran off. Luckily, the trainer said to the teacher that he should follow the MC and tell him that he loved him and that's what he did (on the bus...in front of the busdriver...).
MC didn't believe him at first but then they went to the ocean and swam together. The MC finally realized that the reason why he couldn't accept teacher's feelings and kept on telling himself that the teacher loved the trainer was because of how much he hated himself. He then almost drowned but the teacher saved him.
The rest is fluff. They live together now and MC teaches him how to behave as a human.

I have to say this was actually quite romantic and funny. I almost dropped but I'm glad I didn't.

    Denzil November 20, 2017 12:11 am

    ty so much!

    GotStabWifChopSticks November 22, 2017 9:09 am

    What a relief there's an actual happy ending

    Sam December 26, 2017 3:44 am

    Thank you so much!

    fujazshi January 13, 2018 5:15 pm

    I was actually worried about this story because I was beginning to hate teacher and really.. this comment changed my opinion a little.. but still I can't help but hate him even just a little.

    Amorly January 31, 2018 10:22 am

    The manager is the orenge guy??

    awwi January 31, 2018 4:14 pm
    The manager is the orenge guy?? Amorly

    Yes, the manager ( I call him trainer in my post) is the orange guy.