How would you react as a yaoi reader

nana November 16, 2017 3:37 pm

so I was in class, talking to my friends while the teacher was also talking to some student that I don't give a fuck about. As I was listening to my friend (jk idk what she was saying) the teacher said something about homosexuality. So just because I heard the word gay my head naturally turned, full attention to what she was saying and even told my friend to shush. BUT BITCH GUESS WHAT SHE FUCKING SAID IN FRONT OF HER STUDENT. "like i don't wanna judge gay people but I can't! I just have to! homosexuality is not a thing! and if it is then the world will be over" uuuHHHH wHaT? the class went silent and everybody was so speechless nobody replied or said a word so she was like "alright open your book to page 24" and walked back to her desk like nothing happened. It's kinda funny considering how dumb she sounded as a teacher. oh btw i think the topic came up because one of my friend (she's a lesbian) transferred to another school. if she was still here when that was happening, she'll shade the teacher so hard :')

    Lena November 16, 2017 3:44 pm

    Loads of people think like that. They can't accept the idea of homosexuality, which is, considering a lot people parents are sort of close-minded towards this particular topic, totally understandable. Obviously people have to change later on if they want to live in this society where, fortunately, gay people can live happily, but don't be surprised about the teacher's behaviour.

    nana November 16, 2017 3:55 pm
    Loads of people think like that. They can't accept the idea of homosexuality, which is, considering a lot people parents are sort of close-minded towards this particular topic, totally understandable. Obviously... Lena

    I could care less about her opinion but saying it in front of her student is a little too much? What if one of her student is still in the closet? I can't help but feeling shocked and disappointed at the same time. And about the homophobic parents is so true. I hate dealing with my parents when it comes to this topic.

    Arrow November 16, 2017 5:25 pm

    I wouldn't care about her opinion but unfortunately she's a teacher and tell that to her students like if her word were law (because sometimes us as students trust our teachers bc of wise and all) its totally wrong. Today it's her opinion but then could be abuse, insults and even murderer towards lgbt people.

    It's so sad we still live in a intolerant world.

    Theanimegirl18 November 16, 2017 7:53 pm
    I could care less about her opinion but saying it in front of her student is a little too much? What if one of her student is still in the closet? I can't help but feeling shocked and disappointed at the same t... nana

    Same, some of the people in my family are so homophobic
    I jest can't with them some times.

    月島 蛍 November 16, 2017 8:17 pm

    I actually just DRASTICALLY become blind and deaf when someone starts shitting on homosexuality.

    Lena November 17, 2017 9:27 am

    I know how you feel. My dad is homophobic, but fortunately he is capable of changing. I do think people are capable of changing in general, because they have to, due to society's drastic change. However, it might be too fast for some people. 10 or 20 years ago it was absolutely disgusting and not acceptable, while today, fortunately people try to accept same sex marriage. Just be patient and try to slowly change your parents' mindset. I know I don't know your parents or you, but try. Its hard, I had to go through a lot of shit until I made my mom change her mind, and I still have to "fight" with my dad over this. But! They can change. If your teacher doesn't change her attitude towards homosexuality, I can see her being jobless in a few week or month.