Didn't Like The Twist

Lavender-Rose November 13, 2017 10:06 pm

I feel like I'm the only one but the plot twist didn't really do it for me. It seemed like it came out of nowhere and was pretty out-of-character for the older brother. I could buy him having maybe had some confused feelings for his brother but nothing that clean cut and possessive.
I don't know, I really liked it at first but the last chapter really soured it for me.

    innoma November 15, 2017 3:47 am

    well actually there are stories where all the time the one they thought were innocent were the ones who were manipulating them and making them think that so the ending was kinda acceptable for me but that's your opinion so ok~

    some of the stories I'm talking about are:
    some chapters of yajirushi - harada i think

    Lavender-Rose November 20, 2017 9:59 pm

    I know that it’s a common twist, it still just feels kind of lazy and cliche to me. I mean now and days it’s sort of rare to find a story where the apparently innocent one isn’t actually secretly the manipulator.
    I’m not saying this is a bad story. The twist just wasn’t to my taste.

    innoma November 21, 2017 12:34 pm
    I know that it’s a common twist, it still just feels kind of lazy and cliche to me. I mean now and days it’s sort of rare to find a story where the apparently innocent one isn’t actually secretly the mani... Lavender-Rose

    ohh okay you're right(*´▽`*) it's like the twist is getting kinda old and predictable right? sorry i didnt get what you meant at first hehe

    Fujoshi_ber June 19, 2018 10:26 am

    I think he was pretty possessive from the start