Hello Himemira, i tried many times about this website: yaoiotaku.com for registeration. but it didn't work. but this is not first times. Last time, i already tried many times. Can u help me about this question :
What are the Korean comics called? (Tip: M**hwa) or
What are the Japanese cartoons called? (Tip: A*i*e). it said :
Invalid Referrer Specified
The answer given for the random question was incorrect.
Please reply me. I need your help, so please. This is very urgent.
but i still don't understand WHY.
I am amazed that you didn't know the answer despite having the obvious hints. (no offense)
Korean comics: Manhwa
Japanese comics: Manga
Japanese cartoons: Anime
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it still didn't work.
You have to tick at the square button when you will agree to forum rules,
It's at the bottom, right before you confirm registration
hello, Anonymous. now it's working. but how to read?
Anonymous, You're the best & great help.