That's not fair. Just because you're older doesn't mean you have everything figured out. Based on what we know, he never had a fulfilling love life before this relationship. He was closeted most of his life and he even was married to a woman for years to hide it.
He's been pretending to be someone he's not for most his life : a straight best friend, a straight husband, a straight son.
This was probably his first real relationship and yes, he fucked up big time. He acted like a creep. But he might have learned from that and won't make the same mistake again in a future relationship.

Yep. He spent his life mostly alone. Then this kid bursts in and crushes his defenses and he can't handle it, the insecurity. I felt very sorry for him. What he did was dishonest, but I get why.
I guess I'll have to imagine him dating a 55 year old guy who is nice and doesnt' make him feel insecure, so he can relax and love.
It feels so wrong that we only got one epilogue. Ah, well.
This needs a lot of stories to make up. The author really need to work hard to cover the story because it's seriously f*cked up. I thought it's going to be a pure, mature love of two adults despite age gap. But with the last two/three chapters, both of them are just not ready for the relationship.
I don't even know which side to choose because both sides are just not right.