A douppleganger experience~
I went to our housekeeper's room to ask our housekeeper (a female) where she'd put the broom and dust pan 'cause I was going to clean my room that afternoon. SHE WAS ACTUALLY THERE LYING DOWN ON HER BED AND I EVEN ASKED HER FACE TO FACE AND SHE ANSWERED BACK MY QUESTION. She told me that I can find the cleaning materials at the kitchen. So I left her room and went to check the kitchen but it was not there. So I went back to her room and asked the same question again. She replied that the cleaning materials were "specifically" behind the kitchen door [SHE REPLIED TO ME TWICE!!]. So I went back to the kitchen again and I found the broom and dust pan behind the kitchen door. After I cleaned my room, I went to her room again to ask something but I didn't find her there. I went around the house to find her but I couldn't. So I asked my mom if she knew where our housekeeper was and she replied, "She still hasn't come back home ever since this morning."

Grandma once told me that there's this "woman" living with us who likes to mess with people, so we gotta be careful although it's our own house. One time, my grandma's friend has been waiting for her for about 20 mins. cuz "she's gonna take a bath". She was freaked out when she saw my grandma who's just about to head back to our house since she forgot to bring her wallet with her. Then grandma said, "now you know".
additional: she told us the voice literally sounded just like grandma's so she didn't really think it was that* woman. "sige maliligo lang ako maupo ka lang dyan" ┗( T﹏T )┛

oh there was a time when i was in grade school, after i came home from school it was around 7 or later. i went to our bedroom (well our house aint that big so we all pretty much sleep on the same room). my lil sister was on the bed sleeping and only a green dim light was turned on, so that it's not totally dark but it's not that bright either (we always turn it on when we sleep so we can see the wall clock when we wake up).
so anyways i went and laid on the bed beside my lil sis (my lil sis was at my left side). it was really quite at the room and you can hear the ticking of the wall clock which is on the wall in front of me.
i wanted to pass some time at some point i was imitating the ticking of the clock like i was whispering the "tick tock" to myself over and over.
untilllll i heard a friggin "psssst" somewhere on direction of my upper right side (the thing is that there's only fridge and some tables and chairs on my right side, and there's no one there, and my lil sis is still sleeping on my left side). so like it scared the shit out of me and i immediately shut my eyes tightly...then i kept hearing "pssttt" few more times and i never dared to look at that direction....and at some point i fell asleep and woke up at the sound of the maid putting some stuff on the fridge. after that i immediately ran out of the room and went to my dad, saying there was a ghost in the room ╥﹏╥

Lol. I glanced over your question and I thought you were asking for ghost stories about pineapples

another one HAHAHAHA my own experience~
I remember it was friday night, I was the only one awake cuz I was waiting for my aunt. Then the mirror fell for unknown reason, scattered all over the place. When I was about to pick the large pieces of it, someone passed by, I thought it was my aunt since it has the same height as her, so I was like, "you're late again". And then I turned to see if it was really her, I saw no one. Scared to death, I ran into my sister's room until my aunt arrives. I told her about it and all I got was "qaqo" (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

well u see my bathroom and store room is side by side and there is a small window above the toilet seat and u can see the store room idk I always feel like someone is watching me from above or sometimes I will see the things is store room moving u know umbrella, books etc I am scared as hell and yah I pretty much use toilet only before 9pm also every single fucking friday I feel like someone is holding me tightly during sleep once I woke up and screamed really loud cause I thought some one was gonna stab me even neighbors asked if I was ok lol (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸this fuckingthing should die oh wiat it's already dead isn't it?????

There's one window (I'm sitting beside it, and it's midnight :D) in my room where my sister claimed it always haunts her with nightmares. We are sharing room but she moved to another corner, opposite to the particular window. She also insists to sleep with the lights on because most of the time when we sleep in the dark, we would get 'attacked'.
So, one night (long ago) I had a sleep paralysis and legit saw something dark(?) pinning above me. I tried to free myself but It won't budge despite the struggle. I was also very tired that night and cannot be bothered by shit anymore so I gave It a smile and catch the zz that I deserve. I would still experience sleep paralysis sometimes, but I get used of it. Sometimes I feel like I knew I would get pinned again and changed my sleeping position. Most of the time, it did happen ;_;
I also had multiple nightmares like realistic scary shits. One time, I used to sleep while listening to music. I suddenly hear someone screaming my name by that fucking earphone. I tried to ignore it (I just really fucking love sleep) until it screams to the point that I had to wake up. Damn it, it was a dream but fucking realistic.
It didn't happen frequently but these are some that I could remember. I forget shits a lot ;_;

man these stories are chilling me to the bone fukkkk, I wonder if your parents also have ghost stories to tell as well, because what made me curious to know more was when I went to my friend's birthday party and it was getting late so we thought maybe we should talk about pinas ghost stories, since you know it's kind of more scary to listen to? Lmao, anyway we started talking about our parents ghost stories to mythical creatures and witchcraft. The thing is we aren't sure for the right terms of mythical creatures to the supernatural, like we get things mixed up and all that. So I just wanted to start a thread to know more about these stuff lmao -------
Here's a story that was told to me by my mom:
When my mom was a young teen, she lived in the Visayas area, probably in Ormoc, not exactly sure but I do know we own a house there, her uncle married this woman and decided to live at my Lola's house. Since there is a lot of guests staying there, why not sleep in a living room together, so my moms cousins, sisters and brother slept together in the living room floor along with uncle and his wife. My mom slept near where her uncle was and his wife, as they were asleep... my mom woke up due to the gut feeling she had and this distinct heavy breathing and when she opened her eyes... fuCK she saw something else, the wife of the uncle looked fucked up, like as if she transformed overnight to something else, my mom was terrified so she had to sleep close to her cousins and AWAY from the wife, when my mom woke up she went to tell her mom what happened and my Lola told her that's not the wife anymore, it's someone else... I'm not sure if that's an Aswang or what, but if you guys know what it is that would be great?
Anyways I believe my mom for when she told me that, cause she's the type that wouldn't lie... I know this because she has no filter, like if I ask her about her love life, she'll tell me about the "scenes" and it's fuking scary(⊙…⊙ )
do you guys have any ghost stories you would share? esp from the pinas? i'm curious to know ghostly experiences from people who've definitely experienced them (/TДT)/