I’m really lazy to read all this at the moment and I don’t remember which chapter was ...

Clau November 11, 2017 8:44 am

I’m really lazy to read all this at the moment and I don’t remember which chapter was the last one I read... so can anyone tell me chapters when senpai accepts Morinaga or when he behaves sort of cute with him? I hope this makes sense
Please! I need to know if this has happened in the manga and I want to read their cute moments... :)

    takame November 11, 2017 9:34 am

    around volume 7-9. that part is my favourite i always go back to reread when i want a repeat experience lol

    Clau November 11, 2017 3:09 pm
    around volume 7-9. that part is my favourite i always go back to reread when i want a repeat experience lol takame

    Thank you:D