I'd start with the very first episode, otherwise you won't get the story because a lot of the stuff that happens early on and seems insignificant has a huge impact on the story later on. However, I suggest skipping the filler episodes (there are filler lists online, just search for them), because their plot is often crappy and they have no impact on the actual story.

I put off watching it for the longest time because its length was too much for me and the artstyle looked weird to me... But a few months ago I just started watching it, and I immediately became obsessed and started reading the manga when I ran out of episodes to watch, and have rewatched my favorite arcs/episodes several times. I really want them to leave Whole Cake Island already and go to Wano

I've been watching it for 3 years now (the anime). lol I'm on the latest episode release 812. It's a great. The manga is good but there are lost of effects missing that you could only see on the anime. The story and plot is great, there are episodes where they make recall from the past which I skipped, but is worth watching. Right now they are trying to save Sanji and I am suffering.
Anybody else currently watching One Piece? It just keeps getting better and better...