M here to talk with you and you don't want to talk or you only want to dirty finder page. Double B***H then.
Why don't u apply ur conspiracy here. Hm?
I know you are mastermind behind the finder page fights. B....H
Dog caught ur tongue B***H
Hahahaha I was waiting for you to come here, did she call u to Tell volde save me. Or u r one who I think you are.
Wow, Excuses Excuses, I now know who u r. Liar.
You're a suspicious person then. Go save ur friend volde bald man. Bye I had my fun. Bitch's D.
Haha you, young, can't feeling it by ur words. Boring like 80's. I have money, thick hair blah blah hahaha show off. Don't believe u. Yakk.
Young? Hahaha...Bye show off!!
Gone Mad, oldman, no Young man hahaha.Trust me your words are lacking faithfulness and I trust not a single word of u.liar, Bye now for real.
Thanks for the update!
They are the perfect couple in many ways. Poor Morinaga XD XD XD