From what I understood from the raws that route got hit in the head when he was young and ...

XxharutoxX November 9, 2017 6:58 pm

From what I understood from the raws that route got hit in the head when he was young and was in coma I'm not sure about the coma thingy and when we saw something like flashbacks when they were kissing I'm thinking that that was all the uses imagination fantasy anyway after that the same gets in a fight with that pink haired guy and they become friends then he fights with the use and regains his memories, then they show about that pink haired dude he lives with an unstable mom? And an abusive brother and then he falls in love with the same but cries since he knows that its one sided love.... well all of this is from what I understood from the pictures since I can't read Jap... so I'm not sure that if it's correct or no..

    XxharutoxX November 9, 2017 6:58 pm

    Ryouta not route damn auto correct

    XxharutoxX November 9, 2017 6:59 pm

    Uke not uses like wth auto correct

    XxharutoxX November 9, 2017 7:01 pm

    Seme not same! N again Uke , between memories and the comma they get together

    SPLAM November 10, 2017 1:23 am
    Seme not same! N again Uke , between memories and the comma they get together XxharutoxX

    It just gets better and better.

    XxharutoxX November 10, 2017 5:32 pm


    Kyire November 11, 2017 12:02 am

    i don't think it's the ukes imagination because if you look at the semes eyes they change. through most of the manga he eyes look like they do on page 13 but when he does anything sexual his eyes change like on page 28. but on page 150, 151, and 153 you can see he has one of each. so i think it has something to do with the memory loss almost like another identity