I have a feeling that when this ends hanmi will be flying solo. Too much complications in ...

やおいはかんぺき November 8, 2017 6:03 am

I have a feeling that when this ends hanmi will be flying solo. Too much complications in all her prospective patners

    やおいはかんぺき November 8, 2017 6:06 am

    Crap, lol i just read comments below, and my statemrnts seems to have summarised someone else...

    Sharky November 8, 2017 11:26 am
    Crap, lol i just read comments below, and my statemrnts seems to have summarised someone else... やおいはかんぺき

    Great minds think alike

    Sharky November 8, 2017 11:35 am

    And also, it has also been foreshadowed that Hanmi might end up solo. I'm pretty sure she loves JH, but the family barrier was never going to be overcomed. He even told her I think it was somewhere in season 2 that "I'm pretty sure I'll probably get married before you". It was quite subtle, but for me it was enough to hint that this Incest ship will probably not sail. Even Juri said something like "I swear Hanmi will die alone" during that whole misunderstanding hug thing. Well I'm sure it was not to be taken literal, but it was pointing out that between all the love interests we had chances are she will end up with none of them. Well, not that I mind the solo route. Give me JH or give me nothing.

    Dawnmg December 19, 2017 3:38 am
    And also, it has also been foreshadowed that Hanmi might end up solo. I'm pretty sure she loves JH, but the family barrier was never going to be overcomed. He even told her I think it was somewhere in season 2 ... Sharky

    I don't actually mind Hinami going solo if Hinami and JunHyuk fix their relationship. Seriously the fact that these "feelings" JH and HM have for one another is causing their day to day friendship to deteriorate to non-existence is what pisses me off the most.

    I loved their dynamics at the beginning of the comic even with the rough spots, and it feels like an awful loss to give up on that in entirety just because the two can't suck it up and talk to each other about all the hoopla going in their heads.

    Regardless if they choose to do anything other than platonic, they should both already know that they love each other unconditionally- like for gods sake they've had 10+ of solid friendship. That doesn't just vaporize if one or both of them also have non-platonic inclinations.
    But the fact that both refuse to do anything about it and each keep trying to run away from each other drives me up the fucking wall. like if this ends on a downer note where JH and HM go years without speaking to each other like Hanmi's mom and JH mom, i'm gonna spontaneously combust, that is not okay- not by a long shot.

    Dawnmg December 19, 2017 3:39 am
    And also, it has also been foreshadowed that Hanmi might end up solo. I'm pretty sure she loves JH, but the family barrier was never going to be overcomed. He even told her I think it was somewhere in season 2 ... Sharky

    I don't actually mind Hinami going solo if Hinami and JunHyuk fix their relationship. Seriously the fact that these "feelings" JH and HM have for one another is causing their day to day friendship to deteriorate to non-existence is what pisses me off the most.

    I loved their dynamics at the beginning of the comic even with the rough spots, and it feels like an awful loss to give up on that in entirety just because the two can't suck it up and talk to each other about all the hoopla g (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸oing in their heads.

    Regardless if they choose to do anything other than platonic, they should both already know that they love each other unconditionally- like for gods sake they've had 10+ of solid friendship. That doesn't just vaporize if one or both of them also have non-platonic inclinations.
    But the fact that both refuse to do anything about it and each keep trying to run away from each other drives me up the fucking wall. like if this ends on a downer note where JH and HM go years without speaking to each other like Hanmi's mom and JH mom, i'm gonna spontaneously combust, that is not okay- not by a long shot.