UNRELATED to manga, but...

Kerrrr November 7, 2017 8:25 pm

So I stayed at home today and I've been listening to my neighbor's washing machine make banging noises all morning.

It's stressing me the FUCK out.

There's obviously someone home because they've reloaded at least 2 times. I considered knocking on their door and ask if everything's ok or something but they obviously don't care if they have to buy a new machine soon or they would have already make the weight inside it even.

I'm freakin' mortified. What the hell, poor washing machine.
It's scaring all my pets and I'm thinking WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS

    AN November 7, 2017 8:36 pm

    just because you go over and knock on their door to ask them to get a new washing machine, doesn't mean they will.

    Yamirovi November 8, 2017 1:02 am

    I feel your pain. Everyone has ''an annoying washing machine'' in their lives. Mine is the f**king gardener. He mows the lawn every single day at 8:00 am. I don't believe grass can grow that fast. The sound of the mower is driving me crazy. It's the first time in my entire life I've had homicidal thoughts. Even suicidal, cause everyday I wake up hearing that mortifying noise and I just wanna jump from the window ( 8th floor) and fall right over that poor bastard. I haven't even met him yet. My friends say this is ''platonic hate''. I laught but I'm crying inside...