There have been a lot of great Korean webtoons that had great resolvement and developement like Fools and Out of Control or even some that are not BL like Lookism and Something about Us . But i do agree with your statement about the amount of pressure the platform puts on the authors especially when they screw them over. Also it was Haribo’s first work so i can understand why it was hard developing it. When i read alot of Japanese mangaka’s first works they are often hard to follow or not developed well just because it was their first work and then they end up making more mangas that are great down the line. So im sure Haribo will make more stories that will be great.
Yes there are webtoons that are well developed and resolved but most of them (especially BL) are unable to be that way because: 1. Contracts (number of episode, popularity of the series that can cause it to get cut shorter than originally planned, etc) 2. Pressure from readers, which can be very demanding in asking for the story to be developed in a certain way, and causes the creator to feel pressured and in the end change the story midway to appease the readers. I hope the rest of ongoing webtoons can be better tho...
This may sound mean but why do i feel like korean webtoons always have the most interesting plot but they kinda suck at developing and resolving it? It might be because of the pressure from the platform (lehzin etc) or the readers, but i think it's a shame for a lot of great webtoons that aren't explored to their full potential. I guess this is the con of releasing work online and having a real time feedback from readers... because as much as it's a great input, it could become a pressure for the creators to fulfill the expectation. But great job nonetheless, it was fun to read ^^