i reallu liked this manga , the first three stories fixed on more the sides of people that...

fenni September 12, 2011 3:30 pm

i reallu liked this manga , the first three stories fixed on more the sides of people that had some kind trumatic experience in the past that made it difficult to either commit , or trust and believe in theirs. eepecially even if it was for the one that they liked. the way i see it even in real life everyone has screts in their closets or problems that they cant face and forget , but never the less as humans we strive every day to live for ourselves waiting for that one person we can give are all to. waiting for that someone we can give our selves with no comprimise. wanting to be loved and wanting to love in return is our nature. sex is primal and will always be yerned for in our bodies , but our hearts seeks something more complete , something more deeper and meaningful. let someone in is hard , especially when a heart has been broken or regretted. still lifes goes on and only closing your heart and your feeling up to the rest of the world , will end in emptyness and solitude from a healthy regular life. love os not always sweet and beautiful and it may nalmost never work the first time it happens , but just like the old saying ghoes..... its better to have loved and lost to have never loved at all. i knoe its easy to say this , but still it just proves that at the end of the day no one wants to be lonely if they can help it.
