Are you saying that the genders are equal? Or are you just comparing sex organs? Because if I woke up as a man, it wouldnt be about sex for me, it would be financial. For every dollar a man makes, I get $0.63 on the dollar.......so yeah, not about orgasms

lm just a normal girl that reading yaoi some times( when the story is interesting) but if i wake up to find my self a man i will kill my self end of the story (i cant face my bf then .. )

Aaaand the fraud feminist moron comes out. ooohh oooooh I want to be treated equal hippity bippity bop, but don't forget to treat me like a fucking queen because I am so fucking special, look at me and my glittery pussy. No bish, the whole fucking world is fucking unfair, everyone has their own problems to deal with so deal with it and don't circle jerk playing victims. You sound like a weak ass bastard. You get 0.63$, that amount of cash can feed a whole fucking family in some random ass african desert for one day, should they protest too because they have to work 12 hrs a day to get the same amount of 0.63$? Now that's being equal on every fucking level of human society. Shut the fuck up if you don't know what real feminist is all about. The world doesn't revolve around your bullshit.

Doubtful it would feel the same.
If the decision is based solely on which feels better when masturbating then the clit wins (it has way more nerve ending than a penis). And the average woman can orgasm again after a shorter period of time compared a man.

What are you even talking about? All I said was if I woke up as a man I would make it for financial gain, unlike my every day life (not just me but every black woman faces the same shit).
You need to calm the fuck down and go play with you over engorged clit, since you obviously do not understand what I am saying. And the fact that you think sex and gender are the same thing, fyi they are different.

Saw porn with a guy cums 6 times in a row once, it was glorious.

That sounds like something trump would say, or an alt right supporter.

Porn is glorious but often edited and far from the norm.

It's home made, the guy has tumblr dedicated to his dick. There's clock on the wall behind him and it took him 40 mins. Like i said, it was glorious.
A lot of you fujoshis/danshis keep asking what would you do if you wake up as opposite gender, and all of ye wana do is beat yer meat, and shlick yer beans like fucking gross. Let me teach you some basic anatomy and chromosome 101. We are all have the same blueprint, a human blueprint (gasp) but if your chromosome turns girly it becomes a clit and other functional part that makes you a woman, and if your chromosome turns a dude it grows into a dick with the functional capacity as a dude. But if ye fap, y'all have the same feelings. Guys ejaculate, and you squirt, holy shit even the contractions of the orgasm is the same, and it feels the same. Don't believe me, grab a mirror and pull your clit hood and look closely. It's a fucking small dick tip. I ain't even joking. We are all have dicks ffs. Need more proof? go do some research about fucking giant clit, the dark side of porn has some amazing big clit quality, it's fucking gross but it's educational. Guys balls actually are female fat vagina lips, but it spreads open to make the opening of a vagina. Human is fucking amazing. And I love anatomy. Now go do something else if you wake up as opposite gender. Stop putting your goddamn beautiful mind in the gutter. Don't gender identity yourself too, just be beautiful and love yourself. Who gives a fuck if you are a gay or straight or whatever the hell is hype now. Be love, be yourself, it's more important than anything else.