The people who complain are usually little kids who are part of the SJW movement. Sorry ki...

Anonymous November 3, 2017 3:12 am

The people who complain are usually little kids who are part of the SJW movement. Sorry kids, people can enjoy rape and still separate fantasy from fiction.

    Anna8678 November 3, 2017 4:14 pm

    You mean reality and I agree.

    BL_F@NGIRL January 8, 2018 3:26 am

    No... it's one thing to say you liked the character although he's a rapist, or the Manga although it contained rape... but to say you liked "rape" and that's somehow enjoyable and should be acceptable because it's fictions... has nothing to do with age, just morals... now i've liked Mangas that had raped but I've never liked the rape itself... and how does other people not liking it somehow make them childish... thats just basic human decency smh

    YaoiSanctuary April 30, 2018 11:56 am

    Anonymous :
    Hopefully you know what is reality from fiction lol. And hopefully this Yaoi is just FICTION. But that does not make you a better person because you set an unlimited horizon to like yaoi, and others don't. That's great if you have no standards; that you like rapey stuffs and easy "plots", all the good for you, though this is not necessarily the case for the rest of humanity, and like you, they also have the right to express their opinion. A Yaoi can contain rape in it and still be a rather good read, because the rest of the story is LOGICAL and the pacing is good, Uke is not dumb...
    But for you to ask to everyone to appreciate or just STFU when reading a cheap scenario involving a rapist and his Uke that ends up with Stockholm syndrome...? Seriously...

    Anonymous April 30, 2018 8:36 pm

    @Yaoisantuary ...I don’t know if you have issues comprehending what I wrote due to language barrier but I will make it clearer for you. I am a mature adult. I KNOW the difference between reality and fiction but I understand that people like you might not be stable enough to know the difference. I DO have standards, a very well written story can have rape so it has nothing to do with low standards. You jumping to conclusions about me just makes you a disgusting person. I have much higher standards than you, that is for sure.

    I am also sick and tired of people like you shaming people for having a certain type of fantasy which also has nothing to do with standards. Did I say people can’t express their opinions? Since I am expressing MINE here. Hello?

    Also, STUDIES (actual research) show large percentage of women agree with me in that rape fantasies are very common and not dangerous so your “humanity” comment is simply incorrect and dumb.

    Anonymous January 22, 2019 3:35 am
    @Yaoisantuary ...I don’t know if you have issues comprehending what I wrote due to language barrier but I will make it clearer for you. I am a mature adult. I KNOW the difference between reality and fiction b... @Anonymous


    Arya August 26, 2020 8:29 pm
    Anonymous :Hopefully you know what is reality from fiction lol. And hopefully this Yaoi is just FICTION. But that does not make you a better person because you set an unlimited horizon to like yaoi, and others ... YaoiSanctuary

    Standing ovation. You nailed it. So cool.

    Arya August 26, 2020 8:36 pm
    @Yaoisantuary ...I don’t know if you have issues comprehending what I wrote due to language barrier but I will make it clearer for you. I am a mature adult. I KNOW the difference between reality and fiction b... @Anonymous

    Have you ever seen or heard of an adult saying they are an adult? No, coz their speech and behavior is enough to show it. You having to say it repeatedly yourself speaks volumes. I don't know what studies you are talking about when decades of researches show otherwise.
    If you like rape, you have the freedom to like it. Nobody is saying no. But if you like something disgusting, don't say "oh please don't judge me, i'm not disgusting for liking something disgusting'. Anyone with sense wouldn't mind involving rape if it's necessary for the plot and it shows the consequence in a realistic and logical way. In real life, people can't even get over groping and fear and tremble and even panic in situations similar where they were groped. And replace it with rape and imagine the trauma. So you still think falling in love with the rapist on the same day he trembles at his touch is the logical stuff that "adults" like? Grow up.

    MangaSanctuary August 26, 2020 8:46 pm
    Standing ovation. You nailed it. So cool. Arya

    It has been a long time already, but thanks.

    RedBell December 29, 2023 4:07 am

    Don't be DEROGATORY or belittling. You really don't seem mature or nice at all. Yikes, you have issues. I meant to dislike.