Well Elaine is wary of him since the incident with Arlo so of course she is trying to avoid him, and John not explaing anything and shouting orders like he is boss (when he publicly deny his power and thus pass from being King) doesn't help at all.
John's reaction to Sera's situation is like that of that one relative we have to keep away from the injured. He isn't helping in healing Sera (Not even first aid? Really?), instead is raging at everyone that at least tries something.

And Elaine being wary of him is her own fault. When she thought he was a cripple she thought nothing of him being bullied or treating him with contempt. Now that she realizes he isn't she acts like she had nothing to do with it. Oops poor widdle Ewaine. And him not acting the way he did actually makes LESS sense. See he has more right to act that way than poor widdle Ewaine does. Thanks.

I agree. He didn't have to hit her but I don't feel any remorse for her. In my opinion his reaction to them is understandable because of all the hell he's been taking from them for so long. When he's upset, the old John come to life which is shocking to most because they are not use to that side of john. I think it's a breath of fresh that they finally get some of their own medicine.
You guys don't know how ecstatic I was when I saw Elaine got the life smack out of her. And all the people who say John shouldn't have hit Elaine what about all those time she made his life hell and hit him first during the first chapters.