i guss i am the only one

love is love October 31, 2017 10:19 pm

look i get why hate the brother, but if you think he is not a victim as well you are damn wrong, he is a victim of hes own mind and when your own mind is the most dangerous place for you, its bound that you will make grave mistakes. And don't forget the fact that it is obvious no one around him, aside from hes twin, actually saw something in him, including hes parents that obviously favored hes brother and neglected him since they were young witch is a major impact on a person characteristic and self image, we can see it by the fact he started to doubted hes own brother love and loyalty, doubted that some one actually see him for him, and not a toll to get close to hes successful brother. I am not saying that what he done was right, but I as well not justifying that he need to get twice, or three time worst, he needs help, he needs someone to help him realize that he worth something, and not just a shadow.

    Artsy October 31, 2017 11:25 pm

    I agree. What he needs is a real friend and someone to support him.. it's sad that it would end up being something where they just toss the ball back and forth, instead of resolving the problem for real.. ( ̄へ ̄)

    But then again, whenever he received that kind of care, he sort of took advantage of it and made it all worse.. so maybe he simply just needs to get it the hard way.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Orrr, he just needs a very persistent lover who will return all his hatred with love~~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    raindragon November 1, 2017 12:03 am

    you're assuming he's a normal human being, capable of love, am I correct? If you're ever known a person who has no conscience, you would know by experience that these people will never be redeemed by friendship or caring parents.

    raindragon November 1, 2017 12:25 am

    sorry if that sounded blunt. I just really didn't enjoy my encounters with one of these ppl

    Lena November 1, 2017 1:21 am
    you're assuming he's a normal human being, capable of love, am I correct? If you're ever known a person who has no conscience, you would know by experience that these people will never be redeemed by friendshi... raindragon

    I agree with you. I understand what 'love is love' is trying to say, but let's think carefully, how many people out there suffer hell their whole life, be it from strangers or family, turns out this evil? As @raindragon said, he has no conscience, he doesn't feel guilt, he only thinks about himself all this time. Even his thinking about Siwoon well being is actually he thinking about himself, because he wants someone as Siwoon as his friend. Siwon had no fault in how the adults treated his twin, Siwon outshined him because of talent, not because he cheated (at least that's what it's shown). Even thought Siwon was worried about him being blackmailed Joohoon, even trashing out his own health and pride, Jiwook planed his disgrace. So, what comes out of all those characteristics? Jinwook seens like a psychopath to me. =/

    Mars November 1, 2017 1:38 am

    what he needs is a psychiatrist cuz he's clearly been mentally unstable for a long time. it honestly seems like everyone in this story except for taemin a bit, is twisted in some way. like some psychopathic tendencies were present in almost all characters, i kinda find that common in most shounen ai type manga/manhwa/manhua which is weird, and kinda interesting i wonder if it means anything??

    Thrust November 1, 2017 2:22 am

    If only we could go back and change things the way they were but alas we can't.

    Artsy November 1, 2017 12:14 pm

    I don't really think anybody can help him much, apart from himself...
    But then again, we don't get the entire truth from reading this.. for all we know, he could have a ton of thoughts going on that we are not aware of. One of his problems also lies in the fact that he seeks external acceptance. If he'd just realise that real strength comes from the inside, then he wouldn't be standing in this shitty situation.. ;__;

    He def also has a jealousy issue.. but I guess that would also originate from his issue with low self-esteem..

    I feel like way too many people are being way too harsh with this character.. it's kind of a shock to see how un-caring and misjudging people are around the world.. showing a certain understanding towards people is a good thing.. wish more people would do that.. x__x

    Mars November 2, 2017 6:34 pm
    I don't really think anybody can help him much, apart from himself...But then again, we don't get the entire truth from reading this.. for all we know, he could have a ton of thoughts going on that we are not a... Artsy

    ppl were harsh cuz he caused the rape and suicide of his brother so i understand why they feel no sympathy. i would be lying if i said i felt no sympathy when he was ganged up on and used at the end because well no matter how much i dislike someone i still feel pity towards them.

    he is mentally unstable has been emotionally manipulated by himself and others, and his school and the ppl he hangs out around are not the best kind of ppl. that being said i strongly want him to get professional help because he had lots of chances to help himself but didnt cuz he doesnt know how, he has dangerous coping mechanisms and so a professional could guide him on his way to be better. show him how to deal with everything and come into terms with what he has done. at this point he still doesnt realize that what he has done was wrong, he still sees himself as the victim, and to a point, he IS a victim but he's also the bully who has caused a lot of trouble for his brother and taemin.

    i dont think the author will actually get him the help he needs, cuz it seems like in these types of manhwas ppl who need help are just put into hospitals and thats where they live, and i feel like that may trigger him more. if only there was someone with a lot of patience who could guide him. he wouldnt accept and try to get away but eventually it will help, even a bit.

    Mars November 2, 2017 6:37 pm
    I don't really think anybody can help him much, apart from himself...But then again, we don't get the entire truth from reading this.. for all we know, he could have a ton of thoughts going on that we are not a... Artsy

    also i forgot to say while i was babbling, from ur comment i feel like ur a very pure person who cares about a lot of ppl, it is true that if more ppl were understanding and caring in the world we wouldnt have ppl hurting others, but that seems like an alternate reality at this point, something thats nearly impossible to achieve given human nature :(

    Artsy November 3, 2017 1:26 pm
    ppl were harsh cuz he caused the rape and suicide of his brother so i understand why they feel no sympathy. i would be lying if i said i felt no sympathy when he was ganged up on and used at the end because wel... Mars

    Yea, I agree.. actually all of that I agree with. It should only be the right kind of help he'd get. If only more people knew about Holographic Kinetics.. x_x
    I think it would be a lot nicer living on earth..

    Artsy November 3, 2017 1:32 pm
    also i forgot to say while i was babbling, from ur comment i feel like ur a very pure person who cares about a lot of ppl, it is true that if more ppl were understanding and caring in the world we wouldnt have ... Mars

    Ah, you're so sweet, thanks! Although.. I don't believe human nature is the reason that the world is so harsh. But I guess it would be hard to believe otherwise in most cases..

    I wish I could meet more people like you in my life. That way of thinking is very nice to see!
    Your comments left a smile on my face, thank you very much! ^w^