
According to a oneshot by the author (I think it's ch. 3 in this: - yes!

Yes i did read thank you! Like i mentioned i just love Platin! That oneshot was hilarious! T
According to a oneshot by the author (I think it's ch. 3 in this: - yes!
Yes i did read thank you! Like i mentioned i just love Platin! That oneshot was hilarious! T
So...they were created to save and maintain the world but they are extorting money/payment from the survivors even those who have none and are barely surviving-huh, what a bunch of assholes. Erun is right they should fix the barrier bcoz it is detrimental to their (guardians) survival not just the villagers. But on a lighter note...i just love Platin!! He is my favorite, and little Meifas is a sweety also. And was there a hint of somthing between Or & Platin??