I agree with you. Probably some anon troll post about this and people start to imitate, really, people who think with their own head like us are disappearing.
There's a Venus series from Sadahiro Mika with amputation and no one gives a fuck, Unapai is disgusting, brutal, with deaths and intestine masturbation and no one took it down or keeps screaming here (and I heard that is Gintama dj worse than this), Harada, Ogawa Chise and especially Gengorh Tagame write messed up stuff and no one makes post offending them. And don't even talk about books.
Just ignore, soon they will get bored and will start to pick fight with other mangaka.
Dear Luhar, I'm not seeing your picture or your real name so you are hiding behind a screen too.
Why it can't be compared? Why Unapai is heathier than this? Why Nii-chan is better than this dj? There's a lot of sick things, I don't get why people are making a fuss about it. Oh, you don't know Gengoroh Tagame? Read Cuntman on MRM. And while you are there take a look at The orc bride too.
Yes, this doujinshi horrible and violent. Nor Iwa, nor said it was cute because it was not, but you don't have to insult the artist or the scanlation book. And I saw your post and you have no right to call people sick. I didn't like this dj, but that's purely ficction. I liked a lot It from Stephen King (it's very well written, his books are amazing) but that doesn't mean I'll dress myself as freaking clown and do the things that happened in books (I don't want to spoil anyone). I would be sick if I do you, but as long is just to pass time, I like what I like.
*Nor Iwa nor I said... sorry bad typo
*I would be sick if I did this... bad typo again
Oh, and my english is bad, but I believe you can understand
It seems this is new to you. Here is the link to educate yourself: https://myreadingmanga.info/tag/guro/ There is already other gore published before yoi doujinshi. Much, if not just as worse and this isn't even the complete list. It is sick and purely violent, because it is meant to be gore and brutal.
It was fucked up and it was controversial and gore and drama and really really REALLY DARK but... what the f u k c ink heck?!? What is wrong with you guys? To insult so much someone who has put so much effort into creating something. The art was beautiful. The story was dark but it was very well thought through... But you just came and called her names. I’m disappointed with all of you who insulted her. With whole pseudo fandom of fujoshis fudanshis and Victuuri fans. It was her way of doing things. Maybe a way for her to free her emotions. Probably a part of the artist. A piece of her that she shared. Who said it has to be fluffy or nice? Life isn’t always sweet cute and beautiful. She showed the really dark part that somewhere there existed or exists. The most brutal one, the not so easy to deal with, the controversial one. You all being so fucking tolerant for fucking gays but the truth is u are just tolerant to something that’s convenient for u. YOU disgust me. Not the dj. Not the hard working mangaka. But all of you pseudo tolerant people. You disgust me so much that I’m almost crying.