Just some bitchin'

Kaito.Hat October 25, 2017 10:24 am

Honestly, reading through the twins brother's whole spiel on why he hates the m.c irked me. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE this webcomic, but his motivation as the main antagonist disappoints me. I mean, is getting compared to your twin REALLY that much of a trigger for you? I'm a twin, I'm worse at some things than my sister and better at other things, so I know what it's like when friends, family, strangers--whoever compares us. And honestly, yeah, there are those moments of insecurity, but if you really love your twin, you end up feeling proud of their talents and accomplishments and just want the best for them. I know this is a dramatic webcomic, but I don't understand how his hate for his brother could become so vile and toxic.

    lia October 25, 2017 11:17 pm

    yeah, at least at the beginning it seemed like jiwook was going to have a deeper personality tham just that, but nope.. he's just the bad guy for a story that apart from that actually didn't have a storyline for like 20 chapters? it started out so good but now it's just okay