Have just read the final chapter of this series and I am in so much pain and am speechless...

Lucyy October 23, 2017 2:09 pm

Have just read the final chapter of this series and I am in so much pain and am speechless right now.... It's just so sad and unsatisfying to see such a good manhwa end so quick and suddenly. Really hope we will have a ton of extras or a season 2.

    Cakes October 23, 2017 2:11 pm

    YO IM SO SAD. I need a translation

    agathat October 23, 2017 2:31 pm

    Spoiler please!!!

    Lucyy October 23, 2017 3:21 pm
    Spoiler please!!! agathat

    SPOILER ALERTTTT although it is not really necessary because.....

    Nothing much has happened, they were all basically just talked throughout the chapter. Taemin dragged Woojin out of that place => Private convos between Joohoon-Jiwook(idk maybe JH told JW to stay with him?) and Taemin-Woojin (they did have a slight kiss tho BUT IT'S NOTTT ENOUGHHH T_T)

    Anonymous October 23, 2017 4:28 pm

    It’s shounen ai don’t expect any sex scene

    Pbnj October 24, 2017 3:36 am
    SPOILER ALERTTTT although it is not really necessary because.....Nothing much has happened, they were all basically just talked throughout the chapter. Taemin dragged Woojin out of that place => Private conv... Lucyy

    W t f ? I wanted to see jiwook experience the consequences of what he has done..