Do people actually get off by thinking of their crushes? And do girls (or gays) prefer big dicks?

Bird October 17, 2017 7:39 pm

This is a question for all the straight, gay and bi people out there. I've read a lot of romance/smut (both mangas of various genres and normal books) where a person will think of the person they're in love with when they masturbate, and i was wondering if this was something people usually do, or just added in for dramatic effect? I've also noticed that most people seem to think the bigger the dick, the better (especially boys). This seems pretty irrational to me, as i'd think that a smaller dick would be less of a burden to the vagina/ass, but i'm wondering if straight girls/gay boys actually prefers them to be big?
sincerely, ace girl ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Bird October 19, 2017 7:04 pm
    oooh thank you! mouss

    No prob (⌒▽⌒)