
CasteJoker October 17, 2017 2:53 pm

W H E E Z E, so many gender role freaks in this story. And why did she have to say that out loud in front of everyone?!

    MissJenny October 17, 2017 10:42 pm

    I was yelling at the screen, like *that’s* exactly why you don’t talk about that stuff in the office?!? But to be fair he did yell loudly that he was not a shoe pervert like a second before and he was the one to grab her and confront her beforehand. But—she could have thought to talk about it some other time idk I’m chalking it up to mutual emotional outbursts. I mean they could have taken a sec to discuss it elsewhere and this wouldn’t have happened ugh but I guess it was only a matter of time -le sigh- maybe good stuff will happen now?